Thanks in advance for your help.
Moderator: carlson1
AJSully421 wrote:I would say 5" at 15 yards is just fine.
Remember... one ragged hole when shooting paper is great to show off to the other folks at the range. In reality, you put two in a bad guy's chest, and both are right together and make one hole, you might as well not fire the second shot. When shooting at people, you want a little bit of space between the hits to cause more total damage and get that guy out of the fight.
Also, distance deletes skill, and stress screws everything up. If you can shoot one ragged hole at 25 yards at the range, then you can probably make a head shot on a bad guy running around the mall with body armor on running an AK-47 like it's a bullet hose at 25 - 30 yards.
No matter what, always keep practicing.
hovercat wrote:For defense, reliability counts more than pinpoint accuracy IMO.
Best would be having someone with a Ransom rest test fire it to see what the pistol is capable of.
Or ask a friend who shoots well to give it their best try. It may be a quirk of the grips/angle /Code: Select all
[code]an extra quarter inch that your finger has to reach to pull the trigger[/u][/i][/b].[/quote] THIS made a huge difference for me. I put an Infinity interchangeable trigger on my EDC 1911 that I can switch out the trigger from long, medium, short, either in curved or flat. As soon as I went from the factory long curved to the medium length curved, my accuracy improved quite a bit. So any number of things can help or hurt your accuracy. I know that doesn't answer your ammo question, but these little things do make a big difference.
TexasCajun wrote:For off-hand, 5" at 15yds timed is pretty good. Some of the classes I've taken consider rapid shots within an 8" or 9" circle at 7-ish yards to be adequate. Others consider any hit in the center-mass area of a humanoid target to be effective. I try to train smaller than what I've learned in classes, using a smaller target at farther distance under the same time constraints.
Crash,Crash wrote:Thanks to all for your input--I appreciate it. I will have the bore slugged, try some more types of ammo, and shoot it off a rest (which will have to be at 25 yards at our range) and see what happens. And yes, reliability trumps pinpoint accuracy every time and that's what I really like about the gun.
vjallen75,vjallen75 wrote:Crash,Crash wrote:Thanks to all for your input--I appreciate it. I will have the bore slugged, try some more types of ammo, and shoot it off a rest (which will have to be at 25 yards at our range) and see what happens. And yes, reliability trumps pinpoint accuracy every time and that's what I really like about the gun.
I have the same firearm and have the same "issue." The more I use it the better I know I will become.
I am curious as to how you like the Hornady 124 gr, I bought some a while ago but have yet to test it at the range.