Abraham wrote:Gamers who play at home, wonderful!
Drive a car while 'playing' and cause grief for others, you whoever you may be, should be locked up.
We already have a slough of good laws to address people misbehaving in cars. Or are you suggesting we need more governmental regulations?
Abraham wrote:Public nuisance or vandalism and yes, even causing death can't be defended with: Hey man, we were only 'playing' and whining, 'sorry man, didn't mean to cause grief' doesn't cut it.
I haven't seen a single person defending vandalism. Can you quote one? As for nuisance, we should also address noise pollution around gun ranges, right? No one will be allowed to do anything that might annoy another. Seems like a great plan.
Abraham wrote: When you cause grief, I don't care to hear you didn't mean to cause any harm.
Define your grief? And define where anyone in this thread condoned any real damages. Quote one.
Abraham wrote: Lots of criminals will whine after they do something that results in something plain awful or even tragic in their commision of a criminal act, that "hey man, that wasn't suppose to happen" Uh-huh, but it did...and you're responsible.
hehehehe. Pokemon criminals! Ruining our streets! I challenge you to find how many folks, nation wide (population of 318 million give or take), have been charged with criminal behavior while playing Pokemon Go. Will there be some? Absolutely. Are they causing the demise of our country? Give me a break. Some of us here on this board are acting like this is tantamount to anarchy. To quote Dr. Venkman, "Human sacrifice. Dogs and cats living together....mass hysteria."
What I have not heard is a single person on this board willing to both bash the game and all of its perils against humanity while addressing personal freedoms and how we should have them corralled. What stipulations will we use to subjugate someone doing stuff we don't like? Or we think are childish? Bigger government telling us what to do? No one has said bigger government but several have talked about the need for government to get involved. Other than enforcing laws that we already have, and they should be enforced, I am just curious how we'll ever get this epidemic reeled in without more government.