SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station

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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by JMod45 »

J.R.@A&M wrote: No, a department cannot do that, by my understanding of the TAMUS rules. They have put the burden on those making prohibition requests, on a room by room basis. It's beautiful :)
J.R.@A&M, did you go to, or watch the campus carry presentation at Annenberg today?

I don't remember the guys name, but towards the end of Q&A, he told everyone, (I'm paraphrasing from memory) "It has been legal to purchase a firearm for anyone over the age of 21 for a long time. If any of those people want to do harm to somebody, these signs aren't going to stop them"
It was in response to a question regarding one of the campus shootings that happened.

I have never heard such common sense being stated in a meeting. It was wonderful. Now if only people would understand that.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by J.R.@A&M »

JMod45 wrote:
J.R.@A&M wrote: No, a department cannot do that, by my understanding of the TAMUS rules. They have put the burden on those making prohibition requests, on a room by room basis. It's beautiful :)
J.R.@A&M, did you go to, or watch the campus carry presentation at Annenberg today?

I don't remember the guys name, but towards the end of Q&A, he told everyone, (I'm paraphrasing from memory) "It has been legal to purchase a firearm for anyone over the age of 21 for a long time. If any of those people want to do harm to somebody, these signs aren't going to stop them"
It was in response to a question regarding one of the campus shootings that happened.

I have never heard such common sense being stated in a meeting. It was wonderful. Now if only people would understand that.
No, I attended one of the first ones in Rudder. But I was likewise impressed with the common sense expressed by some supportive faculty/staff, as well as from the veteran UPD who was making the presentation.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by MommaBear »

I also attended one of the sessions at Rudder. It was very nice to see that UPD seems to be on our side. :anamatedbanana I feel for those guys these first few weeks. I hope they don't have to deal with too much crap. One of the profs in my dept told me flat out that if he sees a gun or even a bulge that he thinks is a gun, then he's going to call the police every time. He is from Baltimore originally. Most of our Profs are not Texans, but transplants from other parts of the country (and the world).

I have made the decision to deliberately not discuss "gun issues" with my coworkers. It just makes them uncomfortable and it makes everything about our working relationships difficult. I hate that it's that way. But I don't know what else to do.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by ELB »

MommaBear wrote: ... One of the profs in my dept told me flat out that if he sees a gun or even a bulge that he thinks is a gun, then he's going to call the police every time. ...
I would document that, and I hope he told others. Wasting the cops' time is against the law, concealed carry is not.

In fact, I dunno if you have any concealed carry conspirators in the department, but I would be sorely tempted to leave my gun in the trunk of my can and talk everyone I could into wearing an obvious "bulge" for a couple days and let Professor Kneejerk make his calls. Then pull out some TENS units, phones & cases, etc, and let him rant.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by Jusme »

MommaBear wrote:I also attended one of the sessions at Rudder. It was very nice to see that UPD seems to be on our side. :anamatedbanana I feel for those guys these first few weeks. I hope they don't have to deal with too much crap. One of the profs in my dept told me flat out that if he sees a gun or even a bulge that he thinks is a gun, then he's going to call the police every time. He is from Baltimore originally. Most of our Profs are not Texans, but transplants from other parts of the country (and the world).

I have made the decision to deliberately not discuss "gun issues" with my coworkers. It just makes them uncomfortable and it makes everything about our working relationships difficult. I hate that it's that way. But I don't know what else to do.

I think the first time he calls the police, and the dispatcher tells him that there is no law being broken, and any subsequent calls would result in him being charged with abuse of the 911 system, he may change his tune. Secondly, I always try and see if I can spot CC on anyone, and have only seen a few, I doubt that he is trained well enough, to spot anything. Besides, the law does not prohibit the carrying of "bulges" and printing is also not illegal. Does he know that their are still flights to Baltimore leaving everyday? :biggrinjester:
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by MommaBear »

I hope that he is just "all talk". I guess time will tell. I had a brief conversation with him this morning (nothing gun related) and I'm carrying a Sig P938 IWB at 2:00, and he never gave any kind of indication that he noticed it. I can see it, looking in the mirror, but I doubt anyone else would notice it.

I figure if he does call, then after a few times, the University police will have a talk with him and tell him to knock it off.

He does "out rank" me at work, but he's not my boss, so at least there's that.

The UPD said (at their meeting I went to) that printing is not illegal. They very clearly said that a gun shaped outline under a t-shirt was considered concealed. Also, they made a point of saying "if you feel threatened, call 911". They never said to call a non emergency number, etc. It was always, "call 911". I think that was deliberate to drive home the point of, it needs to be an emergency. Otherwise, mind your own business.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by J.R.@A&M »

Back in April, the Workplace Climate and Diversity Committee of the TAMU Faculty Senate sent out a survey of faculty regarding potential workplace climate issues related to SB11. The questions focused on any changes to teaching style, office hours, and solicited reports of "incidents".

A summary of the questions and results can be found here ... Survey.pdf .

Long story short, there doesn't appear to be a problem.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by TreyHouston »

J.R.@A&M wrote:Back in April, the Workplace Climate and Diversity Committee of the TAMU Faculty Senate sent out a survey of faculty regarding potential workplace climate issues related to SB11. The questions focused on any changes to teaching style, office hours, and solicited reports of "incidents".

A summary of the questions and results can be found here ... Survey.pdf .

Long story short, there doesn't appear to be a problem.

I love the question asked:
Has campus carry affected your office hours?
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by Flightmare »

Did anyone else read question 7 on page 4?
“I have on several occasions seen students openly carrying guns on campus and in the workplace. It is always a shock and makes me feel unsafe."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that campus carry was concealed only. Something here does not sound right.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by ELB »

" the Workplace Climate and Diversity Committee of the TAMU Faculty Senate "

Boy does THAT sound like a fun group....

"Long story short, there doesn't appear to be a problem."

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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by ELB »

Flightmare wrote:Did anyone else read question 7 on page 4?
“I have on several occasions seen students openly carrying guns on campus and in the workplace. It is always a shock and makes me feel unsafe."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that campus carry was concealed only. Something here does not sound right.
Yes, concealed carry only. If he/she/it saw anything, it was probably the Corps color guard or the university police.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by bblhd672 »

ELB wrote:
Flightmare wrote:Did anyone else read question 7 on page 4?
“I have on several occasions seen students openly carrying guns on campus and in the workplace. It is always a shock and makes me feel unsafe."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that campus carry was concealed only. Something here does not sound right.
Yes, concealed carry only. If he/she/it saw anything, it was probably the Corps color guard or the university police.
Or just a typical liberal lying as usual about anything related to the 2nd Amendment.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by Captain Matt »

bblhd672 wrote:
ELB wrote:
Flightmare wrote:Did anyone else read question 7 on page 4?
“I have on several occasions seen students openly carrying guns on campus and in the workplace. It is always a shock and makes me feel unsafe."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that campus carry was concealed only. Something here does not sound right.
Yes, concealed carry only. If he/she/it saw anything, it was probably the Corps color guard or the university police.
Or just a typical liberal lying as usual about anything related to the 2nd Amendment.
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they weren't lying and simply hallucinated the whole thing after smoking something funny.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by J.R.@A&M »

Flightmare wrote:Did anyone else read question 7 on page 4?
“I have on several occasions seen students openly carrying guns on campus and in the workplace. It is always a shock and makes me feel unsafe."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that campus carry was concealed only. Something here does not sound right.
I can only think the respondent witnessed some of the Corps guys jogging with fake rifles, which makes the respondent really, really ignorant.
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Re: SB11 Implementation at A&M College Station


Post by The Annoyed Man »

Flightmare wrote:Did anyone else read question 7 on page 4?
“I have on several occasions seen students openly carrying guns on campus and in the workplace. It is always a shock and makes me feel unsafe."
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that campus carry was concealed only. Something here does not sound right.
Q4. If so, how has it changed how you teach?

• “It is in back of my head every time I need to talk about a subject that is sensitive or speak to a student about there low grade or lack of attendance.”
That respondent is clearly not qualified to teach at TAMU.
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