Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities

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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by Redneck_Buddha »

Abraham wrote:As long as the Poke people stay off my lawn they'll continue to enjoy themselves...
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by carlson1 »

I would like to set a shooting range next door the person who created this mess.

As far as keeping them busy and out of trouble it has caused a small riot in NY with about 125 players. Someone walked into a helipad and someone else walked on top of a copperhead and was bitten. There is no telling what else has occurred that has not been reported or linked to the adolescent "game."
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by goose »

carlson1 wrote:I would like to set a shooting range next door the person who created this mess.

As far as keeping them busy and out of trouble it has caused a small riot in NY with about 125 players. Someone walked into a helipad and someone else walked on top of a copperhead and was bitten. There is no telling what else has occurred that has not been reported or linked to the adolescent "game."
What else can we ban where occasionally bad things happen? 4 wheelers? Soccer games (at least in Engleand. They riot all the time.)? Firearms? Hiking (more than one species of venomous bites)? We could clean up a lot of activites we don't like, since we aren't doing them.
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by mojo84 »

Us old codgers are always going to find something to complain about when it comes to the younger generations. Our parents did the same about our generation. So goes life.
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by carlson1 »

goose wrote:
carlson1 wrote:I would like to set a shooting range next door the person who created this mess.

As far as keeping them busy and out of trouble it has caused a small riot in NY with about 125 players. Someone walked into a helipad and someone else walked on top of a copperhead and was bitten. There is no telling what else has occurred that has not been reported or linked to the adolescent "game."
What else can we ban where occasionally bad things happen? 4 wheelers? Soccer games (at least in Engleand. They riot all the time.)? Firearms? Hiking (more than one species of venomous bites)? We could clean up a lot of activites we don't like, since we aren't doing them.
I don't know what your asking to ban??? Me not wanting it on our parking lot or my front yard is my business not the whole world walking as zombies looking at a phone.
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by goose »

Russell wrote:In its July 1859 issue, Scientific American rallied against a wicked game that made both the mind and body weaker—chess:

A pernicious excitement to learn and play chess has spread all over the country, and numerous clubs for practicing this game have been formed in cities and villages...chess is a mere amusement of a very inferior character, which robs the mind of valuable time that might be devoted to nobler acquirements, while it affords no benefit whatever to the body. Chess has acquired a high reputation as being a means to discipline the mind, but persons engaged in sedentary occupations should never practice this cheerless game; they require out-door exercises--not this sort of mental gladiatorship.
Thanks for nothing, Russell. You just took us from "Are you smarter than a fifth grader" to "Can Deep Blue beat a 14 year old at Pokemon Go!"

:lol:: :tiphat:
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by goose »

carlson1 wrote:
goose wrote:
carlson1 wrote:I would like to set a shooting range next door the person who created this mess.

As far as keeping them busy and out of trouble it has caused a small riot in NY with about 125 players. Someone walked into a helipad and someone else walked on top of a copperhead and was bitten. There is no telling what else has occurred that has not been reported or linked to the adolescent "game."
What else can we ban where occasionally bad things happen? 4 wheelers? Soccer games (at least in Engleand. They riot all the time.)? Firearms? Hiking (more than one species of venomous bites)? We could clean up a lot of activites we don't like, since we aren't doing them.
I don't know what your asking to ban??? Me not wanting it on our parking lot or my front yard is my business not the whole world walking as zombies looking at a phone.
With proper use of communications I am certain you can keep all the ner-do-wells out of your parking lot. Possibly for good. I would be surprised that they are keeping your parishioners from their Sunday morning services. How many Pokemon players are your security teams identifying on tape during Church hours?

As for your front yard, this would absolutely be trespassing. Unless you just mean the sidewalks. Issues with vandalism or trespassing should be discussed with LEO for sure.

I am in no way condoning poor behavior by anyone, playing the game or not. I am just surprised that your Church is being inundated with lots of Pokemon players on a Sunday morning. Do you have thoughts on how your Church will respond? Posting elders at the parking lot entrances? Asking people to leave? I think that it is an interesting question.
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by Abraham »

Some of you sound defensive.

An entitled attitude of "Hey man, I'm playing Pokemon here, so what if I'm causing you problems" is not OK.
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by goose »

Abraham wrote:Some of you sound defensive.

An entitled attitude of "Hey man, I'm playing Pokemon here, so what if I'm causing you problems" is not OK.
I was thinking some of us sound entitled to reeling in other's freedoms.

What real problems have you seen defined here?
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by mojo84 »

Didn't take long.

http://www.insurancejournal.com/news/na ... 421852.htm
Pokemon Go Triggers Trespass Class Action Suit Against Niantic
By Kartikay Mehrotra | August 1, 2016

A New Jersey resident with a pocket monster in his backyard may be the first to sue Niantic Inc. and Nintendo Co. for unleashing Pokemon Go across the U.S., claiming that players are coming to his home uninvited in their race to “catch ’em all.”

The West Orange man alleges the companies have created a nuisance with their GPS-based game and seeks class-action status on behalf of all Americans whose properties have been trespassed upon by players in search of Pokemon Go monsters.

The complaint includes references to Pokemon hunters parading into an Alabama cemetery and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and cites a Massachusetts homeowner visited more than a dozen times within hours of the game’s release last month.
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by Keith B »

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook:
Great that’s all I needed!!! I just got back home to find four Police Officers in my house looking for something, acting like lunatics and throwing my stuff all over the place, they even went through my bedroom which really upset me. They even checked inside the air-conditioner and inside our mattresses tearing them all apart. I asked them if they had a search warrant & they ignored me saying "Where did you hide it???? We know it's here somewhere". At least 1000 possibilities went through my mind and I had no choice but to let them search for whatever they were looking for. Let's see if & what they find coz I had nothing to hide.

Approximately an hour and a half later I watched one of the Police officers look at his mobile phone before he shouted "Stop searching we are in the wrong house; the Pokémon is next door"
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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by mojo84 »

Keith B wrote:A friend of mine posted this on Facebook:
Great that’s all I needed!!! I just got back home to find four Police Officers in my house looking for something, acting like lunatics and throwing my stuff all over the place, they even went through my bedroom which really upset me. They even checked inside the air-conditioner and inside our mattresses tearing them all apart. I asked them if they had a search warrant & they ignored me saying "Where did you hide it???? We know it's here somewhere". At least 1000 possibilities went through my mind and I had no choice but to let them search for whatever they were looking for. Let's see if & what they find coz I had nothing to hide.

Approximately an hour and a half later I watched one of the Police officers look at his mobile phone before he shouted "Stop searching we are in the wrong house; the Pokémon is next door"

Keith, That is very unrealistic. Cops would never show up at the wrong house.

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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by bblhd672 »

The left lies about everything. Truth is a liberal value, and truth is a conservative value, but it has never been a left-wing value. People on the left say whatever advances their immediate agenda. Power is their moral lodestar; therefore, truth is always subservient to it. - Dennis Prager

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Re: Pokemon Go! as a nuisance to other outdoor activities


Post by Abraham »

Keith B,

Your post: How veddy droll...
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