My friend and his wife have finally is converted.

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My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by lildave40 »

I have a long time friend that his mindset was you really dont need a gun as long as the police were around. When I got my CHL I invited him to go with me but he declined. When I went to the range or to additional training he declined and would say your not a cop you need to leave that to the police. Well this weekend I got a call from him and he has changed his mind. Saturday night Him and his wife were on there way home from dinner when he stopped to get gas. While He was pumping gas 2 men walk right up to him and robbed him at knife point. This happened in the heights area near downtown. He tells me they walked up and pulled the knife far enough away where he could have ran for safety if his wife wasn't with him, He was more in shock that it happened to him. He went on to tell me how he felt belittled and small that he couldn't protect himself much less his wife. The funny part about the whole conversation his wife shouts at him "you see if I had my CHL this wouldn't have happened". Yesterday we went through basic gun safety and how to Handle one. They are setting an appointment with an instructor who can teach them in more detail on shooting and gun control and are going to get there chl. They are getting a his and hers XD Mod 2 9mm.

Just wanted to share.
Last edited by lildave40 on Tue May 31, 2016 9:57 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by GeekwithaGun »

Good for them in starting the process, it is just sad that this had to happen to them first.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Javier730 »

Good thing they werent hurt. This is exactly why I dont like people walking up to me begging at the gas pump. I bet if your friend was to have drawn on them, they would of claimed they were just asking for money.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Jusme »

Great story. Sometimes it takes something like this, or even more tragic to get people to understand our mindset. I'm glad no one was hurt, and even more glad they have seen the light and will soon be joining our ranks. It's also good that they have a friend like you to guide them in the right way on training. Be sure to recommend this forum to them.

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by lildave40 »

Jusme wrote:Great story. Sometimes it takes something like this, or even more tragic to get people to understand our mindset. I'm glad no one was hurt, and even more glad they have seen the light and will soon be joining our ranks. It's also good that they have a friend like you to guide them in the right way on training. Be sure to recommend this forum to them.


They already have it booked marked on there computers and phones. ;-)

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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Soccerdad1995 »

I have no idea why people think the police will protect them from crime. With all due respect to our outstanding LEO brethren, that isn't their job. They are not staffed sufficiently to stop every crime from happening and this isn't "Minority Report". The police may happen to prevent a crime if they get lucky and are in the exact right place at the exact right time. But their primary job is to investigate crimes that have already happened and lock up the criminals so they don't commit other crimes. It is our job as adults to protect ourselves and our families.

I don't do LEO's job and I don't expect them to do mine.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Lynyrd »

Soccerdad1995 wrote:I have no idea why people think the police will protect them from crime. With all due respect to our outstanding LEO brethren, that isn't their job. They are not staffed sufficiently to stop every crime from happening and this isn't "Minority Report". The police may happen to prevent a crime if they get lucky and are in the exact right place at the exact right time. But their primary job is to investigate crimes that have already happened and lock up the criminals so they don't commit other crimes. It is our job as adults to protect ourselves and our families.

I don't do LEO's job and I don't expect them to do mine.
:iagree: :iagree:

I carry a gun because crimes don't happen while a cop is standing there.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Flightmare »

I believe I have said this before, but it warrants saying again;

When seconds count, the police are only minutes away!

That is nothing against LEOs. They cannot be everywhere all the time. Your personal protection is your responsibility. Investigation after the fact is the responsibility of the LEO.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by TXBO »

GeekwithaGun wrote:Good for them in starting the process, it is just sad that this had to happen to them first.
True. It reminds me of when I bought my first gun safe. When I walked in the safe store, the first question the salesperson asked me was, "how much was stolen from you?" When I told him nothing and asked why he asked that, he said almost every customer comes to buy their first safe after they lost something in a fire or burglary.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by RoyGBiv »

My sig line (bottom of) applies here... ;-)
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by TexasJohnBoy »

RoyGBiv wrote:My sig line (bottom of) applies here... ;-)
So does the picture in your sig.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by puma guy »

I'm glad your friend and his wife were not harmed during the robbery. I suppose a dose of reality had a positive influence on him. You might want to talk to your friend to make sure he understands that unless he's absolutely willing to use a weapon in self-defense it will do him no good to have an LTC. A good instructor should begin the training by asking that question of students.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by Mavs00 »

GeekwithaGun wrote:Good for them in starting the process, it is just sad that this had to happen to them first.

Better late then never and glad their "wake up" call didn't come at any expense other then a couple replaceable $$ bills and a wallet. You are a good friend for helping them take responsibility for their own safety.
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by flintknapper »

The funny part about the whole conversation his wife shouts at him "you see if I had my CHL this wouldn't have happened".
While I am glad your friends intend to 'arm' themselves....I hope they will not be under any illusion that the robbery "Wouldn't" have happened or that it won't happen again. The mere 'possession' of a firearm in no way wards off evil, it does however provide you a way (in some circumstances) to deal with it.

In this situation....because the perps unwittingly showed their weapon (knife) at some distance, if either of the victims had been armed and displayed their weapon(s), it might well have caused the robbers to break off the encounter.(no guarantees of course).

I hope your friends realize that potentially...their very lives were at stake. I can get over feeling 'belittled', I can replace most monetary loss, but I can't restore LIFE (mine or my Wife's).

I know that most Men feel it is their duty to protect their Spouse (and it is), but this man's Wife needs to be able to protect Herself. There won't always be someone else (especially the Police) around to do it for you. Not to mention....having two armed individuals to combat a threat is generally better than one.

Then there is the NEED for practice and training. Having a firearm available gives you the 'means' to shoot, but you still need to know WHEN to shoot, when NOT to shoot and be good enough to hit your target.

I applaud you helping them get started. Good Job! :tiphat:
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Re: My friend and his wife have finally is converted.


Post by mental_midget »

I am sorry for your friends' encounter.

After an attempted home invasion when I was much younger, a local officer told me and my older brother ".357 is much faster than 911"

I am glad your friends have someone to teach them to be safe with a weapon. I hope they have fun in their class and I hope you guys have fun training together.
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