... title says it all! I've been hunting for months for a Pietta manufacture Remington 1858 in 44 caliber, with either a 5.5 or a 6.5 inch barrel. With it being an antique, normally I'd just find it online and buy it direct, but my crawling online has turned up nothing in stock from the major blackpowder retailers, and I haven't been able to find anything secondhand locally in stores or at gun shows, either.
Ergo, if anyone has one they're willing to part with, let me know!
(edit - 6.5 inch barrel would be acceptable in a pinch, I suppose, but the 5.5 Sheriff size is the dream!)
WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
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Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
I have a pair of 44's in 8 inch and they're very fun guns. The one on top is Pietta the other is an Uberti. I have had to fix the timing of the Pietta many times to keep it running. I've also had to file down a mushrooming hammer on it a few times even with a greatly reduced hammer spring tension. I've had the Pietta torn apart at least 10 times making adjustments and getting it back in sync after a lock up. Others may have had fine Piettas out of the box but mine has been a chore.
The Uberti has been flawless and has a much smoother action. I shoot both of these guns a lot. They're also good to slow down the family when they go on a shooting binge. They can go through several thousand rounds of ammo in a few hours and a whole day of shooting is not uncommon around here. Black powder slows them down a lot with loading and cleaning.
Good luck with your search!

The Uberti has been flawless and has a much smoother action. I shoot both of these guns a lot. They're also good to slow down the family when they go on a shooting binge. They can go through several thousand rounds of ammo in a few hours and a whole day of shooting is not uncommon around here. Black powder slows them down a lot with loading and cleaning.
Good luck with your search!

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Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
If you are willing to live with the 8 inch version Cabelas has it for $220. I bought mine a couple of weeks ago and am very pleased.
Affirmative action never brings out excellence!
Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
Yes, Cabelas always has them in stock, and often at a good sale price. I think I paid about $150 for mine.
“Sometimes there is no alternative to uncertainty except to await the arrival of more and better data.” C. Wunsch
“Sometimes there is no alternative to uncertainty except to await the arrival of more and better data.” C. Wunsch
Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
Yes, the new Cabella's is a good try. Have you looked at Collector's Firearms? Recently I was there looking for an open-top conversion in .38, and they had a pretty good dedicated section of CAS guns in new and used, just not my hunt in my caliber. Many of the online retailers do show "not in stock" on many of these guns.
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Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
It wouldn't take any convincing to get me to have a 8" version, as I've had one for a while!
Piettas can be finicky (or at least older ones), but I've had nothing but fun and good luck with the two I have. I'm just itching for the Sheriff-sized one to complete the collection, as it were.
I've managed to find some Uberti makes of the right size, but my deal is that I already have a .45LC conversion cylinder for the Pietta, and Uberti is ever so slightly different in dimensions that the cylinders aren't swappable. In particular, I think the Pietta cylinder is something like a gap differential of 26/1000 of an inch too long compared to the Uberti. Considering that the cylinders cost as much as the guns sometimes do, I'm a Pietta man for a while!
Incidentally, while the hunt continues for a 5.5" 1858, I snagged a blued 1863 Pocket Remington I found while scouring for its big brother. Range reports shall come this weekend for that new gem!

I've managed to find some Uberti makes of the right size, but my deal is that I already have a .45LC conversion cylinder for the Pietta, and Uberti is ever so slightly different in dimensions that the cylinders aren't swappable. In particular, I think the Pietta cylinder is something like a gap differential of 26/1000 of an inch too long compared to the Uberti. Considering that the cylinders cost as much as the guns sometimes do, I'm a Pietta man for a while!
Incidentally, while the hunt continues for a 5.5" 1858, I snagged a blued 1863 Pocket Remington I found while scouring for its big brother. Range reports shall come this weekend for that new gem!
Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
A few months ago I was looking for the 8" 1858 Pietta at Cabelas in N fort Worth. Seems they were way overstocked on the pocket version. I really had to pick through them to find the longer barrel. Not sure what their stock is like today.
“Sometimes there is no alternative to uncertainty except to await the arrival of more and better data.” C. Wunsch
“Sometimes there is no alternative to uncertainty except to await the arrival of more and better data.” C. Wunsch
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Re: WTB - Pietta Remington 1858 in 44, 5.5 or 6.5 inch
Cabela's finally got the .44 5.5" one back in stock, and I just picked it up on sale for $199! Happy to request the thread here be closed!