She cannot abolish or amend the 2nd amendment or any other part of the Constitution. That requires a Constitutional process enacted through Congress, and then ratification state by state. It's extraordinarily difficult to do, and the founders made it that way on purpose.sbrawley wrote:Worst case scenario: the she-devil whose name will not be said wins the election and becomes the next POTUS. She somehow miraculously gets her way and abolishes or amends the 2nd Amendment resulting in a total ban of all guns within the United States.
Since every state is free and independent from the Federal government, each having their own constitutions, and some include a right to keep and bear arms (i.e. Sec. 23 of the Texas Constitution), could the Federal government legally enforce an all out ban on guns within states that maintain their right to keep arms?
What she CAN do is appoint Supreme Court justices who will interpret the Constitution the way she wants it interpreted, and she can use executive orders to enact policies that cut Congress out of the loop.....and then when Congress (or somebody) sues and takes it to court, her handpicked justices will uphold her actions.
I'm not worried. Why? Because we have a 2nd amendment, and then will be the time to use it. At some point, she's going to face trying to enforce her actions. Heck, that didn't even work in one state - Connecticut - a state that consistently votes leftist. People simply refused to turn in their "illegal" guns and magazines, the cops were afraid to enforce it, and they finally dropped the matter entirely. True, there are things you can't buy there anymore, but nobody is volunteering to stack up outside some gun owner's door and kick it in. Now, can you imagine what would happen if she tried that crap on Texas or Oklahoma?
Oh, she will wreck the country, but there are a lot of ways to do that. She can't and won't try a confiscation scheme. It would blow up in her face.