What ya'll say on this snake ?

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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by SewTexas »

I wouldn't have said anything, I would have screamed it loudly until someone came running :oops: :shock:
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by Jusme »

Kenneth77 wrote:Well i killed two copperheads weekend before last and there was a big old grass snake that i didn't know under the sheets of old underpinning and it went threw and it him so i had to kill him and that made me mad at myself so i don't like killing something that is good to have a round . After looking around some at different pics i really think it is a water snake so i am not concerned about it being venomous. Thanks for all the input .

They are good at keeping mice and rats away,they eat frogs and lizards too. That's why they hide under boards and brush piles because that's where their food sources are. If you pick one up they become pretty docile once they are held properly. The big one I caught wrapped around my arm and sat perfectly still for a long time while kids came up to see him. I let him go into the lake where we were camping, and he swam away. But if Mrs. Jusme had gotten her way, he would have been buzzard food. :smilelol5:
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by Jusme »

SewTexas wrote:I wouldn't have said anything, I would have screamed it loudly until someone came running :oops: :shock:

Yeah, I have told Mrs. Jusme that they can't hear, so screaming at them has no effect. :mrgreen:

I had a dog that got bit twice last year by a copperhead, I didn't find him the first time but a few weeks later when she got bit again, I found him beside my AC condensing unit. He was only about 10" long, but he was scrappy. I took all of the fight out of him with a shovel. :smash:
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

Bayoutalker wrote:
JustSomeOldGuy wrote:were the pupils round or slitted?
I blew up the pic. They are round.
Then not venomous. Generally with water snakes, or snakes IN the water (I've seen rattlers swim too) I don't want to get close enough to tell.......
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by Pariah3j »

SewTexas wrote:I wouldn't have said anything, I would have screamed it loudly until someone came running :oops: :shock:
Me too probably... Snakes and me don't mix so well. Love to watch them on TV or behind the glass at the zoo, but my love for them ends right there.
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by AJSully421 »

JustSomeOldGuy wrote:were the pupils round or slitted?
Stop it... not all venomous snakes have vertical pupils, it is dangerous to suggest that they do. Plus, some with slitted will look more round in low light. It is not a reliable way to tell, and could get someone hurt.

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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by twomillenium »

That looks like it could be a Hog nosed snake. Did it kinda of flair it neck like a cobra but not as much.
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by JustSomeOldGuy »

AJSully421 wrote: not all venomous snakes have vertical pupils, it is dangerous to suggest that they do. Plus, some with slitted will look more round in low light. It is not a reliable way to tell, and could get someone hurt.
True. Refresh my memory; besides coral snakes, what other naturally occurring in the continental United States venomous snakes DO NOT have slitted pupils?
AJSully421 wrote: "Kill them all and let God sort them out" works for more than just terrorists.
I'm with Indiana Jones, don't like (venomous) snakes......
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by John Galt »

I read the title of the thread and thought it was about a Colt Python. :mrgreen:

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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by Kolamer »

I'd say its a shame my 12 gauge only holds 6 shells. The only good snake is a dead snake!
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by puma guy »

Jusme wrote:Kinda hard to tell from the picture, but it looks like the outer part of his mouth is yellow which would be a common water snake. I think the head shape looks triangular but may be that he has puffed his neck out slightly to give the appearance of a venomous snake. They will strike at you if cornered but they are not dangerous. JMHO based on the picture.
:iagree: Looking at the head my first thought was also it's non-venomous banded water snake. They look very much alike both species have tremendous color variations. Belly scales and pupils are the telltale way to decide which it is.
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by flechero »

I grew up on a pond and we would routinely see common water snakes flatten out the head when cornered, to look like a venomous snake... the usual givaway was they 'd flatten out but rarely strike. the real cotton mouths/moccasins will chase you!

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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by Munk »

Broadband water snake.

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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by EastTexasRancher »

I leave all snakes alone. They are part of the balanced Eco-system.

Color me crazy, but why kill what isn't trying to harm you?
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Re: What ya'll say on this snake ?


Post by Pawpaw »

Munk wrote:Broadband water snake.
As opposed to a dialup water snake? :biggrinjester:
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