- If a 30.06 sign is posted in the woods and nobody sees it, is it really there?

- If you mistakenly fire your gun when not intending to, that is a Negligent Discharge...so if you mistakenly hit something with your car, is it a "Car Negligent" ?

- When the Thompson subgunner in WWII, yells to his airborne buddy, "Throw me a clip!", should he really have gotten tossed an M1 Garand ammo clip with 8 rounds of 30.06 instead of a 20 round stick magazine of .45 auto? Do you think the sergeant corrected him afterword?

- When the cop asks you if you have any guns in the car, do you say NO even though you have an AR15 in plain view and 2 - .45's under the seat? Then if he sees them, do you tell him you were in the Navy and don't have any 5" guns or howitzers in there, so why is he asking?

- If while open carrying someone asks if you are a LEO, do you say "No a Scorpio." ?

- When you go to the Ft Worth zoo, do you ask where the classrooms are if you're CC'ing?
- Do you open carry to Target and then stand in front of the restrooms loudly muttering "Decisions, decisions...". My spouse won't allow me to do either...

- Is the phrase "concealed is concealed" a violation of Forum Rule #4 or does it depend on the context?

- Are the Virginia State Police a real law enforcement agency, since Virginia is a Commonwealth?