canvasbck wrote:VoiceofReason wrote:Reading this thread reminds me of a self-flagellation ritual.
Folks it is not the end of the world and we are not going to give up our guns. To repeat part of my post on page 3, we have come too far and have the majority of public opinion on our side,
"I don’t think Hillary, Michael Bloomberg or anyone else can do anything to institute “meaningful gun control” except get the U.S. public “up in arms”.
No matter who is elected president, if they go too far there are provisions in the constitution for impeachment.
Whoever is elected president, we must now look a little further than gun rights to what is good for the country. The country got this screwed up because good, hard working, law abiding people kept silent and let the loudest voices and those with the most money “drive the wagon”. We need to get more involved, but we also need to be well informed about what we are getting involved with.
The country will survive no matter who is elected president.

I believe there are some rough times ahead but if we love our country we
all need to work
together to save it.
I could not disagree more with the red portion quoted above. They do not have the ability to do much legislatively (right now), but replace a staunch conservitive justice (Scalia) on SCOTUS with a flaming, gun grabbing, liberal and it's over. Imagine a world where the Heller and McDonald cases went the other way. Draconian gun control measures would spread through urban centers faster than you can down a 44 ounce soda. Once those Draconian laws are upheld by a leftist SCOTUS, the "new norm" would be devastating to the second amendment.
The pro gun lobby (NRA) is extremely effective at curbing top down gun control at the federal level. In order to prevent bottom up gun control, the second amendment being upheld as intended by the founders is crucial. NRA lobbyist don't have much sway over a city council member in Detroit, Chicago, Miami, Denver, San Francisco, ect.
Your statement of "the country will survive no matter who is elected president" assumes that the person will only be in control for 4-8 years. Given the fact that the balance of power in the Supreme Court is at stake, the next president will shape our future for a generation. If I thought that the next president would only replace Ginsburg, then I would regret losing the opportunity to swing the court more solidly in our favor, but it wouldn't affect the current balance of power. Allowing Hillary to replace Scalia would be an unmitigated disaster.
It seems I am having a problem making my point understood. The country got this screwed up because the majority of the people allowed it to happen. The majority need to stop letting the minority dictate how the country will go.
Regarding the enactment of meaningful gun control, I agree, but look at what happened in NOLA after Katrina. It was illegal, but it happened never the less. It happened because the people let it happen.
Connecticut, The “Assault Weapon” Rebellion ... n-n1822409
Low assault-weapon registration stats suggest low compliance with Gov. Cuomo’s landmark SAFE Act gun control law ... -1.2267730
Colorado Governor apologizes to sheriffs over gun control laws. ... trol-laws/
We must take back our country if we want it to survive. We need to stand up against those that want to give illegal immigrants equal rights including the right to vote. We need to stand up against those that want ambiguous rest rooms and those that want to limit or deny us our rights.
Those that would take over the country depend on us just posting a rant on an internet forum somewhere and not doing anything to really stop them.
Regarding the impeachment of the president, removal from office by the senate requires a two thirds vote. Unless there are 67 republican senators, no democrat president will ever be removed from office. We learned that lesson from Bill Clinton.
You've also got quite a few moderate RINOs who would never vote to convict. Senators will do what their constituents insist they do if they want to stay in office.
Impeachment only removes a person from office and keeps them from serving again. To answer for a crime that person must be indicted or charged with a crime.
Article. I
Section. 3.
Paragraph 7
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
By the way, at one time, part of my job was handling classified documents and code keys. I would have gone to prison for doing less than half of what Hillary has done.