I just realized I'm actually pretty close to the 60 business day limit! I'm right at the low 70s and at the end of the week I'll be at 60 business days! So I emailed my representative who called the next morning saying they'd look into it. Got an email back saying that they have their contact at the DPS office looking into it and I'll receive a call soon from them and they'll follow up. Did that last Friday. I was all in either 1/6 or 1/8 - I'm still unclear.
So today I called that number someone posted above and was transferred to someone, got a voicemail and left a nice voicemail. About an hour later, a very nice lady answered the phone, asked for my DL and then put me on hold for about 5 minutes. She came back and said that I AM in the queue to be processed in the next 7-14 days, but it should be closer to 7. She gave me her direct number and said to call back whenever I'd like to check back or if there's anything I need. Suggested I call back in two weeks for sure and I was welcome to call at the end of this week.
It could be this week or next!

We'll see.
I suspect that by the time we hear about the little work arounds like representatives and that number, we all jump on it and bog those down a bit. But hey, if it's still taking some off of the RSD's hands, then maybe it's for the best! Sharing the load.
But I did my checking to make it feel like I'm not just hopelessly waiting for the week. Now back to patiently trying to forget about it!