TomsTXCHL wrote:Bitter Clinger wrote:TomsTXCHL wrote:Bitter Clinger wrote:Did you really, intentionally mean to equate me with Barack Hussein Obama?
You think the govt should have access, he thinks the govt should have access.
Tell us how you are different?
Since you obviously failed Logic 101, let's use this as a teaching moment
Actually, I aced logic in college so I have apparently misunderstood your position, or you have failed to properly explain it.
Perhaps you will clarify, as the thrust of your subject is that you side with the Govt against Apple in this matter.
No thinking American will do this!
Really? And yet you would propose such an apparently absolute belief? If you believe that the government is either all good or all bad, you probably feel good because you can cease to think. I assume that this is a comfort for you, as you can now feel assured and in control. If you have decided that a group of people are all bad, then all you have to do is stay away from them and once they are all gone life would be better, right? I would certainly agree that government has become far too large and far too over-reaching. But it still has its place - I hope Cruz is elected and he follows through on his pledge to eliminate some 500+ Federal agencies, including the IRS!
This thread drove quite a bit of spirited debate, some of it quite thoughtful, some of it perhaps not quite as, but a good debate in any event. The majority of us can disagree without being disagreeable.
So, without yet again

, yes, my opinion is that the data in the dead terrorist's phone, that phone belonging to San Bernadino govt, should be turned over in case there is any information in there that could prevent the death of more innocent civilians.
YMMV. That does not put me in the same category as Barack Hussein Obama - according to LOGIC.