What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
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What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
Good Morning Everyone,
I am just wondering what brought you to getting your CHL LTC? I see more and more people at the classes lately.
I am just wondering what brought you to getting your CHL LTC? I see more and more people at the classes lately.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
lildave40 wrote:Good Morning Everyone,
I am just wondering what brought you to getting your CHL LTC? I see more and more people at the classes lately.
Dodge Ram 1500.

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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
Was a victim of an attempted carjacking in VA in the mid 90s. At the time I just OCd, due to the fact it required no licence.
A local Sheriff began writing tickets to OCers for (not exact code..) "carrying of a loaded firearm across a roadway." This statute was intended to keep Hunters from crossing public highways with loaded rifles, and intended to be an add on charge if you were caught shooting form the road.
Since I was dating a girl that lived in the small town where this sheriff was, I went ahead and got my VA CCW to keep from getting into a hassle with him. After moving to TX went ahead and got my license here as well.
A local Sheriff began writing tickets to OCers for (not exact code..) "carrying of a loaded firearm across a roadway." This statute was intended to keep Hunters from crossing public highways with loaded rifles, and intended to be an add on charge if you were caught shooting form the road.
Since I was dating a girl that lived in the small town where this sheriff was, I went ahead and got my VA CCW to keep from getting into a hassle with him. After moving to TX went ahead and got my license here as well.
The Time is Now...
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
I got my first handgun in the late aughties for home (apartment) protection. Never really occurred to me that I needed to carry it in public. And so it was, until 2015 when it seemed there were mass shootings every other week.
I got liscensed around the time of the Oregon college shooting and the Virginia live TV reporter shooting.
I got liscensed around the time of the Oregon college shooting and the Virginia live TV reporter shooting.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
Jusme wrote:lildave40 wrote:Good Morning Everyone,
I am just wondering what brought you to getting your CHL LTC? I see more and more people at the classes lately.
Dodge Ram 1500.
Oh I see you were wondering why?
I carried both on and off duty for years as a LEO, after I left law enforcement, I didn't carry much at all unless it was on trips staying overnight. (this was prior to the passage of the Concealed Handgun law. )
Due to the increase of incidences of violence throughout the country, and with job changes that took me into some seedier areas of towns, I made the decision to pursue my CHL. My wife was not on board with it at first, she had been around law enforcement most of her life and still held some of the notions that only cops should have guns, but after getting my CHL and her seeing more crimes being committed in areas we frequented, she has gotten on board with the idea and now is planning on getting her LTC.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
I had a panhandler try and fight me, while I was with my four year old son, for not giving him money I earned. He and his two buddies only backed off after I gave them money, which is pretty much a robbery.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
I'm too old to fight, too out of shape to run, and too ornery to be a defenseless victim of some thug.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
I was born and raised in Los Angeles, Commiefornia and we were not allowed to carry. I can now! God bless Texas
Disclaimer: Anything I state can not be applied to 100% of all situations. Sometimes it's ok to speak in general terms.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
Bought my first pistol when I came of age, but had never really shot one before. Trained a bit with it in case I needed to use it for home defense, and it stayed at home, ready for use by me or my wife for many years. My wife and I began studying Karate when our girls were young, partly for exercise and partly to learn to do damage to another person if we needed to. By around 2006, greater numbers of reports of criminal violence intruded enough on my consciousness to make me start to research carrying a firearm as an additional tool for defense. I became convinced that it would be a good idea to get my CHL a short while later after finding this forum. I directed my wife's attention here as well, we had numerous dinner-table discussions regarding personal safety in general and firearms and CHL in particular, and we both became licensed in 2010. We have trained together quite a bit since then. Presently, we are both NRA Pistol instructors and 4-H Pistol coaches, and my wife hosts a lady's shooting club at the school where we currently study Kenpo.
Stay aware and engaged. Awareness buys time; time buys options. Survival may require moving quickly past the Observe, Orient and Decide steps to ACT.
NRA Life Member, CRSO, Basic Pistol, PPITH & PPOTH Instructor, Texas 4-H Certified Pistol & Rifle Coach, Texas LTC Instructor
Stay aware and engaged. Awareness buys time; time buys options. Survival may require moving quickly past the Observe, Orient and Decide steps to ACT.
NRA Life Member, CRSO, Basic Pistol, PPITH & PPOTH Instructor, Texas 4-H Certified Pistol & Rifle Coach, Texas LTC Instructor
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
I had my chl in two previous states that I resided so it was just the normal thing to do once I moved here.
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"It's all about shot placement."- David (Slayer of Goliath)

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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
Didn't really feel the need to be armed till last year. I realized that I now am responsible for a wife, two kids, a home, and two cars. Combine that with the entropy of American society, and the reality that our president only has a limited time to do as much damage as possible to the second amendment. I felt that it was time to arm myself, defend my family and property, and make a stand for the 2nd.
LTC since 2015
I have contacted my state legislators urging support of Constitutional Carry Legislation HB 1927
I have contacted my state legislators urging support of Constitutional Carry Legislation HB 1927
Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
allisji wrote:Didn't really feel the need to be armed till last year. I realized that I now am responsible for a wife, two kids, a home, and two cars. Combine that with the entropy of American society, and the reality that our president only has a limited time to do as much damage as possible to the second amendment. I felt that it was time to arm myself, defend my family and property, and make a stand for the 2nd.

I think personal/family responsibility and the concept of use or lose it when it comes to rights is important. That's where I am with my rationale for carrying for the past 12 years.
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Re: What brought you to getting your CHL/LTC
For me, it was getting married. I came to the realization that I'm responsible for my safety as well as hers, and a firearm is a good tool to have if the brown stuff hits the fan. If something happens to me, it also happens to her - so it's in my best interest to keep both of us alive. I didn't grow up with guns, but came from a pro-2A military vet family, so that also helped.
Keep calm and carry.
Licensing (n.) - When government takes away your right to do something and sells it back to you.
Licensing (n.) - When government takes away your right to do something and sells it back to you.