I did a search first but could not find the answers so here goes.
My employer wants to allow conceal or open carry with the following provisions.
1. Any employee who is licensed to do so, must provide a copy of license to HR.
2. Any visitor who comes within premises, is LTC and is carrying, must show proof of LTC to designated company rep.
3. Employer isn’t sure how to handle allowing an employee who has LTC to carry in any company owned commercial motor vehicles.
In addition, my employer is considering posting a sign that similar to the TABC Notice sign-something like: “The unlicensed possession of a firearm/handgun on these premises in prohibited”. Is this legal, necessary or even needed?
Here’s what I “think” I know about this.
1. As an employer, they can request this and employee must agree or be in violation of a company policy which could result in their termination
2. Although my employer could request this, the Licensee is not obligated by law to do so?
3. I believe DOT CMV refers to state LTC laws, thus, it would be legal for an employee to carry if LTC, but I can’t seem to verify this.
I would greatly appreciate any constructive advice or recommendations on this matter.
Thank you & Semper Fi!