You are right on the money!baldeagle wrote:Read the comments. The writer may be reasonable, but the comment writers are not. For example, "Perhaps the reason we are condescending to gun owners is because they deserve it", "I support a complete ban on guns", "no one needs a gun except police and military".
I occasionally comment on NYT editorials and articles. As you might expect, my view is quite a bit different than the average NYT reader. Invariably, I get all sorts of nasty, negative and derogatory comments. I'd put the ratio at about 20:1. The readership of the NYT is essentially a group of hard core Progressives who cheer on their media friends and look for any opportunity to tear down their opponents or make them look bad to gain advantage in the public view.
It's unfortunate, but that's who reads the NYT regularly. Even my comments at the DMN aren't pilloried like those at the TImes.
They are tolerant only for their issues and protected classes.
Jeff B.