homeless person trespassing at apartment complex

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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by Bitter Clinger »

cbr6864r wrote:Contact property management company file formal complaint and inform them you wish to terminate your lease if they do not promptly address the issue. I had a similar problem back when i first moved here and rented an apartment. It was in a nice area of katy and i was paying a good amount so I was beyond irritated to discover certain people blasting rap music and selling drugs. Apartment manager did nothing so I called cops they of course did nothing because as soon as cops showed up they all disappeared. Eventually it escalated to the point where i confronted them while walking my dog. Lets just say it didnt go well several officers responded but in the end they were all evicted. Looking back it was a horrible decision as I put my girlfriends life at risk as they all knew where I lived. I promptly moved after being released from my lease.

Property managers can be really inept. Make sure you contact the top guy at the Management Co., as well as the owner, and emphasize that they are now precariously liable should something happen. They have a responsibility to manage the property and it is clear from your posting that they are negligent.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by Jim Beaux »

GlassG19 wrote:
Not to discredit your decisions so far; I personally would have tried visiting in conversation to whether I could have helped him find (warm) shelter or a different place to stay. Being homeless isn't a sign of a "criminal" ( not assuming he is or isn't a criminal) & I firmly believe a little compassion in the beginning goes along way. I know personal homeless person who is not a drug addict (recovered) & acholic & is really a great human being & I "try" to understand if I was by chance in that same situation, where & what would I do. Not good for him staying in your laundry mat for sure but maybe a helping hand sometimes goes way better than current circumstances. Just IMPO. Hope everyone stays safe through this.
Obviously youre a good person with a good heart - but why is this guy homeless? Could it be that his family and friends have tried to help him in the past and got fed up with him being a lost cause? By his wearing colors tells me he is either part of a criminal element or he wants to be-either way its easy for me to conclude he is a parasite.

I have a family member who is employed with the Dept of Corrections & have learned that a large majority of inmates consider those who sympathize & help them as expendable as an empty food container.

I would have considered giving this guy $10-20 while telling him to move on. These guys are master manipulators & will use & victimize those who befriend him.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by ELB »

There are places for homeless people to go, but many do not want to live in them because there are rules -- no drugs, no alcohol, etc. Compassion would be sending him to one of those. Giving him money or letting him hang out in the laundry room is enabling.

Now that you are engaged in this, I would keep the pressure on the apartment management: make your complaints respectfully and firmly in writing and figure out a way to prove you delivered these complaints. Escalate them above the apartment manager, if there is someone to escalate to (i.e. management company). If you can enlist your neighbors to make complaints or petitions as well. Keep calling the cops whenever you see this guy on the property. Video what you can, especially if you he is threatening you. Avoid him when you can, but be prepared to defend yourself and your girlfriend or whoever.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by GlassG19 »

Jim Beaux wrote:SNIP
GlassG19 wrote:
Not to discredit your decisions so far; I personally would have tried visiting in conversation to whether I could have helped him find (warm) shelter or a different place to stay. Being homeless isn't a sign of a "criminal" ( not assuming he is or isn't a criminal) & I firmly believe a little compassion in the beginning goes along way. I know personal homeless person who is not a drug addict (recovered) & acholic & is really a great human being & I "try" to understand if I was by chance in that same situation, where & what would I do. Not good for him staying in your laundry mat for sure but maybe a helping hand sometimes goes way better than current circumstances. Just IMPO. Hope everyone stays safe through this.
Obviously youre a good person with a good heart - but why is this guy homeless? Could it be that his family and friends have tried to help him in the past and got fed up with him being a lost cause? By his wearing colors tells me he is either part of a criminal element or he wants to be-either way its easy for me to conclude he is a parasite.

I have a family member who is employed with the Dept of Corrections & have learned that a large majority of inmates consider those who sympathize & help them as expendable as an empty food container.

I would have considered giving this guy $10-20 while telling him to move on. These guys are master manipulators & will use & victimize those who befriend him.

Agree, I personally never "assume" though homeless in general are that, family kicked them out or just got out of jail e.t.c, reason, 2 guys I know (homeless) just had really bad luck, one lost job & other one got diabetes & lost a leg because of it & has tried working & because he wheelchair bound nobody will hire him. He's going on 16 year sober & drug free & tries not to bother anybody or nor brakes laws. The other one come to found out I used to work w/ him & got layed off & wasn't in a financial situation to be able to continue paying rent. I'm sure there's always more to their story, but. I was homeless myself for about 3 months before & I wasn't none of the above, drugs, kicked out of families house or anything like that, just plain bad unfortunate circumstances. I believe after actions of this guy though is really not good homeless person.
Last edited by GlassG19 on Sat Jan 02, 2016 4:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by cbr6864r »

Im completely giving homeless money as it only adds to the problem. Hell for all you know he might have just been released from mental facility or just got released from jail for who knows what.Also there are tons of facilities to help them that we pay for through tax dollars. By the way you described him its not like its some kid who just got kicked out of his house. I have offered those begging for money on side of road work for the day at $10 an hour guess what no takers. You hand him cash and he will keep coming back wanting more. Let apartment management deal with issue.

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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by northexpedition »

double post :tiphat:
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by northexpedition »

Jim Beaux wrote: I would have considered giving this guy $10-20 while telling him to move on. These guys are master manipulators & will use & victimize those who befriend him.
Criminals and some homeless people are definitely master manipulators. I often wonder if I need to be even more rude to strangers like this. This is a college apartment complex, so maybe that's why everyone here seems so oblivious/indifferent. I checked the laundry room and there are no outlets to charge a phone or anything, so his story for being in the laundry room is inconsistent. I've run into him at the convenience store next to my apartment and it seems like he just loiters at any place he can get away with it.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by drjoker »

If you do give him money, be double sure he doesn't know where you live. I gave a homeless guy some money in a similar situation as yours and he found out where I live. After that, he hung out on my property for days begging me to give him more money. It was very unsettling because he would be hanging out on my property even when I was not at home! :shock:

Eventually, he grew tired of hanging out on my property because I did not give him any more money. When a neighbor down the street gave him some money. He then started hanging out at his house. Speak with the apartment manager and have a flier distributed to all the tenants asking them to be careful not to allow people who don't live in your apartment building follow them inside.

If that doesn't work, give the cops $50 and a bus ticket to pay the homeless guy IF the guy promises not to come back and to tell the guy that they'll get very mad at him if he comes back after accepting the money. You may want to give the cops a small gift for their trouble, too. The gift should be of no cash value so they won't get in trouble, like some tasty cookies, tickets to a ball game or something. Make sure y'all watch the guy get on the bus to somewhere far away.
GlassG19 wrote:
northexpedition wrote:
cbr6864r wrote:A word of advice don't contact anyone you plan on calling the cops on especially when they know where you live.
Yes, I am aware of that. Calling the police is usually a last resort but this has been an ongoing problem that would not solve itself without police intervention. Somehow he found out where I live before I even opened my door to tell him not to come back. I had tried to keep it a secret but I guess he found out where I live somehow. I live here though and it would be kind of crazy for me not to call the cops on him, especially when he is clearly breaking the law and has no right to be here. I had no choice. I was trying to do my laundry.

I mean my apartment complex is not a homeless shelter. He shouldn't get free WiFi and a warm place to hang out, in the same room where I do my laundry. This is probably the 5th time he has trespassed and nobody is doing anything about it except me. I don't want to fight but I will carry a knife in the meantime just in case.

Not to discredit your decisions so far; I personally would have tried visiting in conversation to whether I could have helped him find (warm) shelter or a different place to stay. Being homeless isn't a sign of a "criminal" ( not assuming he is or isn't a criminal) & I firmly believe a little compassion in the beginning goes along way. I know personal homeless person who is not a drug addict (recovered) & acholic & is really a great human being & I "try" to understand if I was by chance in that same situation, where & what would I do. Not good for him staying in your laundry mat for sure but maybe a helping hand sometimes goes way better than current circumstances. Just IMPO. Hope everyone stays safe through this.

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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by Abraham »

Move, forget about your security deposit and lease.


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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by rp_photo »

GlassG19 wrote: Not to discredit your decisions so far; I personally would have tried visiting in conversation to whether I could have helped him find (warm) shelter or a different place to stay. Being homeless isn't a sign of a "criminal" ( not assuming he is or isn't a criminal) & I firmly believe a little compassion in the beginning goes along way. I know personal homeless person who is not a drug addict (recovered) & acholic & is really a great human being & I "try" to understand if I was by chance in that same situation, where & what would I do. Not good for him staying in your laundry mat for sure but maybe a helping hand sometimes goes way better than current circumstances. Just IMPO. Hope everyone stays safe through this.
But then again, many of them have no problem biting the hand that feeds them.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by rp_photo »

Jim Beaux wrote: I would have considered giving this guy $10-20 while telling him to move on. These guys are master manipulators & will use & victimize those who befriend him.
It's unfortunate that they can't channel these manipulation skills into legitimate professions where they're beneficial such as sales, law, or politics. But for much the same reason that they avoid charity and shelters, the rules and conformance requirements would be too much for them.

As a good example, there's a man who washes windshields at Dairy Ashford and Harwin who I pass everyday while driving to work. He seems to have a good memory of those who aren't interested (at least in my case), and he can put up with weather and inevitable rejection for hours on end while always appearing positive. To me, he should excel at a difficult cold-selling job.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by rp_photo »

Jim Beaux wrote: I would have considered giving this guy $10-20 while telling him to move on. These guys are master manipulators & will use & victimize those who befriend him.
It's unfortunate that they can't channel these manipulation skills into legitimate professions where they're beneficial such as sales, law, or politics. But for much the same reason that they avoid charity and shelters, the rules and conformance requirements would be too much for them.

As a good example, there's a man who washes windshields at Dairy Ashford and Harwin who I pass everyday while driving to work. He seems to have a good memory of those who aren't interested (at least in my case), and he can put up with weather and inevitable rejection for hours on end while always appearing positive. To me, that would make him a natural for a difficult cold-selling job.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by rp_photo »

drjoker wrote: If that doesn't work, give the cops $50 and a bus ticket to pay the homeless guy IF the guy promises not to come back and to tell the guy that they'll get very mad at him if he comes back after accepting the money. You may want to give the cops a small gift for their trouble, too. The gift should be of no cash value so they won't get in trouble, like some tasty cookies, tickets to a ball game or something. Make sure y'all watch the guy get on the bus to somewhere far away.
This almost sounds like a "life lesson" plot from "The Andy Griffith Show", and it seems like something that would have worked in that era but not so much today.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by Javier730 »

MeMelYup wrote:You are renting. Write to management of the property and inform them that there is a person that hangs out in the laundry room and seems to be homeless. That this person has threatened you. The management should to the best of their ability take care of the situation. Send it by registered mail and keep a copy.
:iagree: Management should change the locks and lock the laundry room at night. File a police report each time he threatens you. Write your complaints the apartment review websites if they don't do anything to help you, that gets their attention.
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Re: homeless person trespassing at apartment complex


Post by Jim Beaux »

rp_photo wrote:
Jim Beaux wrote: I would have considered giving this guy $10-20 while telling him to move on. These guys are master manipulators & will use & victimize those who befriend him.
It's unfortunate that they can't channel these manipulation skills into legitimate professions where they're beneficial such as sales, law, or politics. But for much the same reason that they avoid charity and shelters, the rules and conformance requirements would be too much for them.

As a good example, there's a man who washes windshields at Dairy Ashford and Harwin who I pass everyday while driving to work. He seems to have a good memory of those who aren't interested (at least in my case), and he can put up with weather and inevitable rejection for hours on end while always appearing positive. To me, he should excel at a difficult cold-selling job.
You would be shocked at how much money that window washer brings in.

I have a friend who was a conductor for one of the railways and no matter where the train was, when time for shift change a van brought a relief crew and transported the old crew to a motel.

One evening he called & invited our group of friends to his nearby motel for drinks. When I showed up he was hanging out with a couple of panhandlers who were also staying at the motel (Holiday Inn) The panhandlers bought several rounds of drinks and was spending as much money as anyone in the bar. They were well dressed & boasted about how much money they were bringing in tax free.

During the Christmas holidays 20 years ago my kid brother would sell mistletoe at a major intersection near the mall in Beaumont. He sold 3" sprigs he harvested in the woods for $5 ea. Mistletoe paid for all his Christmas with money to spare.
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