OC police training pdf file.

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Re: OC police training pdf file.


Post by ELB »

I am reading through the December TML document, and one thing jumps out at me. The TML attorney (I guess) claims the Attorney General's opinions on the sign and courtroom issues "confuse" the issue. Uh huh. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it is "confused." ;-)

- He (?) also seems to think that the 30.07 sign was left out of the sign law because of an "oversight." It was not an oversight, the sign law passed before open carry did.
- He also writes a long blurb on campus carry, then when the AG opinions came out, added this: "The attorney general has concluded that an institution may not adopt rules that are so strict they, as a practical matter, prohibit concealed carry by a license holder." Well yes he concluded that because it is central to the portion of the campus carry law that allows presidents to write rules, and it is clearly written in the statute. (Notice that he failed to include this requirement until after the AG opinion came out).

Neither of these things are "biggies," but it suggests that he doesn't yet fully comprehend what's going on with the new laws.
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Re: OC police training pdf file.


Post by powerboatr »

I downloaded it and will share with my fellow licensed holders
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Re: OC police training pdf file.


Post by locke_n_load »

TXhntr88 wrote:My understanding reading the Dec 22, 2015 document...

Amusement park or premises of an established place of worship:
- Handgun Concealed Carry (With License): Yes, unless 30.06 sign posted; Penal Code 46.035(b)(5)&(6) & (i); 30.06
- Handgun open carry in belt or shoulder holster (with License): Yes, unless 30.07 sign posted; Penal Code 46.035(b)(5)&(6) & (i); 30.07

Premises of a Racetrack:
- No (both Concealed & Open Carry w/ License); Penal Code 46.03(a)(4)

Premises of a high school, collegiate, or professional sporting event (unless sport shooting event):
- Handgun Concealed Carry (With License): No, until August 1, 2016. After that, yes, unless 30.06 sign is posted; Penal Code 46.035(b)(2)&(l)
- Handgun open carry in belt or shoulder holster (with License): No; Penal Code 46.035(b)(2)
The last part, concealed carry with license at a high school, collegiate, or pro sporting event is not entirely accurate. CHL carry at a collegiate event will be legal after the campus carry law takes effect (either August 2016 or Jan 2017, depending on type of college) unless posted with 30.06. I believe High School and Pro Sporting Events are still illegal to carry regardless of signage.
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Re: OC police training pdf file.


Post by mojo84 »

Seems crazy to me it will be ok to carry at a college sporting event but not pro or high school. Are we sure it will be legal at college games? I had it in my head the games would still be off limits but the stadium would have to post for non-athletic events.
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