The left's totalitarian mindset is on display here. Even if not many of those voting in the poll following the article have the stomach for it you can bet their "leaders" do.
The lead in:
Let's get serious about what it will take, for "meaningful steps" to actually BE, meaningful steps.
Otherwise, let's skip to the chase and admit: "It's all just window-dressing, and political payback to the NRA."
What has to go?
All magazine fed, self-loading firearms.
Yes, that means handguns too.
Yes, that includes your 4 shot Remington hunting rifle.
Yes, that includes rigid controls on police firearms.
Your 5 shot revolver can go home with you officer, your 17 shot handgun stays inside the armory of the police station. Armory, not your locker. Signed-in, signed-out, via proximity card reader, with real-time computer controls at the State and Federal levels.
Did you, officer, have a domestic violence incident at home?
Go door-to-door with your list of gun purchasers, and get access to the guns. A massive VIPR-like sweep.
No gun? Where is it?
Who has it? Where's the paperwork? No gun, no paperwork?
You're coming with us... the weather in Cuba is fine.
Sadly, it appears the nationwide cell phone network is down, unless you're using a government contract cell phone.
Yes, surprise is key.
If they could just kill all the people who disagree with them utopia would be at hand.A 1 year Amnesty is offered. If we have to come for it?
It will be with lethal force. Suicide-by-Cop.
It's a price, it's paid once.