Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
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Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now. ... 94386.html
Things writers are researching and writing about. No preaching about more gun restrictions, just letting the public know about toddlers killing or wounding themselves or other people.
But its not the only way toddlers die. ... 3Afacebook
Third baby to be tossed out of a window in a multistory building in three months in NYC.
Things writers are researching and writing about. No preaching about more gun restrictions, just letting the public know about toddlers killing or wounding themselves or other people.
But its not the only way toddlers die. ... 3Afacebook
Third baby to be tossed out of a window in a multistory building in three months in NYC.
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
Please someone copy the info below and posted as comment at the Independent webpage.
How many drown or get poisoned per day?
Drowning death for kids less than 14: 2 per day
Poisoning death for kids: 2 per day
As per CDC:
How big is the problem?
From 2005-2009, there were an average of 3,533 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 347 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.2
About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger.2 For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries.1
Every day, over 300 children in the United States ages 0 to 19 are treated in an emergency department, and two children die, as a result of being poisoned
How many drown or get poisoned per day?
Drowning death for kids less than 14: 2 per day
Poisoning death for kids: 2 per day
As per CDC:
How big is the problem?
From 2005-2009, there were an average of 3,533 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 347 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.2
About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger.2 For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries.1
Every day, over 300 children in the United States ages 0 to 19 are treated in an emergency department, and two children die, as a result of being poisoned
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United we stand, dispersed we falter
2014: NRA Endowment lifetime member
Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
That is pretty low numbers, if only everything was that safe for toddlers. Septicemia (aka blood poisoning) kills more under 5 years old, 205 deaths. Meningitis 75, Flu 52, Pneumonia 228, Motor Vehicle accidents 493, Drowning 416, Exposure to smoke/fire/flames 145, Unspecified accidents 1,289, Non-firearm assault homicide 568, Unspecified undetermined events (non-firearm) 167. That isn't counting stuff like cancer, chronic respiratory problems, heart disease, birth defects, etc.
Accidental discharge of a firearm 30, undetermined intent involving discharge of a firearm 1, assault homicide involving a firearm 51.
That is deaths for 2013, so no injuries. However injuries heal, death does not; so would concern me more. Now that doesn't involve the children killing someone older as has happened. It does show that guns are far safer for small children than a plethora of other things. I want you to look at the homicides, 11 times more children beaten, stabbed, thrown out windows, drowned, poisoned, smothered, etc to death than shot. People need to stop focusing on the fact that 51 small children were murdered with a gun, and start focusing on the fact that 619 children were murdered period. That doesn't get media and politicians attention because that doesn't sell an agenda. Let that sink in the next time you hear the human filth speak. That they are silent on the other 568 murders of small children and infants. That they let that go so they can push something to get and keep power.
Accidental discharge of a firearm 30, undetermined intent involving discharge of a firearm 1, assault homicide involving a firearm 51.
That is deaths for 2013, so no injuries. However injuries heal, death does not; so would concern me more. Now that doesn't involve the children killing someone older as has happened. It does show that guns are far safer for small children than a plethora of other things. I want you to look at the homicides, 11 times more children beaten, stabbed, thrown out windows, drowned, poisoned, smothered, etc to death than shot. People need to stop focusing on the fact that 51 small children were murdered with a gun, and start focusing on the fact that 619 children were murdered period. That doesn't get media and politicians attention because that doesn't sell an agenda. Let that sink in the next time you hear the human filth speak. That they are silent on the other 568 murders of small children and infants. That they let that go so they can push something to get and keep power.
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
I'm going to write to my congressman that windows 4 ft or higher above grade should not be the openable type. There is just no excuse for one more baby be die by from falling out of a third story window.
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I have contacted my state legislators urging support of Constitutional Carry Legislation HB 1927
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
This is hardly an epidemic in a country with roughly 330 million recognized individuals. That said, one toddler getting hold of a firearm and discharging it is one too many. These occurrences speak to the user-friendliness of firearms (even a toddler can do it) and at the same time the utter irresponsibility and poor decision-making of adults who presumably own and should be controlling these firearms. This sort of occurrence is prime fodder for the "gun control" proponents. I urge everyone to please act responsibly when using AND storing firearms. Rights and Liberty are at stake.
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Stay aware and engaged. Awareness buys time; time buys options. Survival may require moving quickly past the Observe, Orient and Decide steps to ACT.
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
Unfortunately in the cases in the OP the child was thrown out the window. But you are correct that children also fall out windows in NYC.allisji wrote:I'm going to write to my congressman that windows 4 ft or higher above grade should not be the openable type. There is just no excuse for one more baby be die by from falling out of a third story window.
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
Iatrogenic deaths far outnumber accidental deaths by any other cause in the US. wrote:Please someone copy the info below and posted as comment at the Independent webpage.
How many drown or get poisoned per day?
Drowning death for kids less than 14: 2 per day
Poisoning death for kids: 2 per day
As per CDC:
How big is the problem?
From 2005-2009, there were an average of 3,533 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 347 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.2
About one in five people who die from drowning are children 14 and younger.2 For every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries.1
Every day, over 300 children in the United States ages 0 to 19 are treated in an emergency department, and two children die, as a result of being poisoned
A panel of the National Academy of Sciences, in a highly critical report, yesterday called for a major national effort to reduce medical errors by developing a mandatory reporting system and asking Congress to establish a center to study them.
The 220-page report, written by a 19-member committee of the Academy's Institute of Medicine, set as a goal a 50 percent reduction in the nation's "stunningly high rate of medical errors" within five years.
It estimated that errors from medical treatment kill up to 98,000 people in U.S. hospitals every year and characterized the problem as among the nation's leading causes of death and injury.
"Journalism, n. A job for people who flunked out of STEM courses, enjoy making up stories, and have no detectable integrity or morals."
From the WeaponsMan blog,
From the WeaponsMan blog,
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now. ... 51585.html
6 year old shoots and kills his 3 year old brother after getting dads revolver on top of the refrigerator.
Father arrested, after all it is Chicago and guns don't exist there.
RIP little kid.
6 year old shoots and kills his 3 year old brother after getting dads revolver on top of the refrigerator.
Father arrested, after all it is Chicago and guns don't exist there.
RIP little kid.
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
That said, a toddler wandering around a backyard and falling into a swimming pool is one too many. It speaks to the utter irresponsibility of adults who should be watching toddlers and covering their pools when not in use.Middle Age Russ wrote:This is hardly an epidemic in a country with roughly 330 million recognized individuals. That said, one toddler getting hold of a firearm and discharging it is one too many. These occurrences speak to the user-friendliness of firearms (even a toddler can do it) and at the same time the utter irresponsibility and poor decision-making of adults who presumably own and should be controlling these firearms. This sort of occurrence is prime fodder for the "gun control" proponents. I urge everyone to please act responsibly when using AND storing firearms. Rights and Liberty are at stake.
I know that might sound like an attack; I assure you it isn't. I write this to make the point that human beings are often irresponsible about a lot of things, and because of that, bad things happen in life, sometimes deadly things. Others have posted the stats about children and accidents, ALL of which are horrible and likely preventable. Firearms shouldn't be singled out, and wouldn't be, if it weren't for politics, usually of the leftwing variety.
Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
I always wonder how many of these guns have had trigger jobs making the trigger easier for a child to manipulate.
Everytime after I clean my gun, I let my 2 yr old hold it before reloading it. We work on grip. Not pointing it at people. Just normal gun safety talks. He cant pull the trigger without my help. Then my 6 yr old gets a try. He barely can pull the trigger.
It's just a straight out of the box xds45.
Everytime after I clean my gun, I let my 2 yr old hold it before reloading it. We work on grip. Not pointing it at people. Just normal gun safety talks. He cant pull the trigger without my help. Then my 6 yr old gets a try. He barely can pull the trigger.
It's just a straight out of the box xds45.
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
And how many abortions are there a day?
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Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
I am always skeptical of liberal UK reportage on any topic related to the USA and guns - those folks still think Piers Morgan was a reasonable and reliable reporter!
Last statistics I saw on the topic of toddlers killing toddlers (which were John Lott's data from 2010, I think) indicated that less than a dozen kids under age 6, shot and killed another child. That still sounds pretty bad, but just FYI, that's slightly less than the number of children under 6 who drown IN BUCKETS annually. Mind you, we aren't talking about drowning in bath tubs or swimming pools (WAY more kids die that way each year), but in BUCKETS! That is why you now see the "warning labels" on Home Depot (and other's) plastic 5-gallon buckets.
Last statistics I saw on the topic of toddlers killing toddlers (which were John Lott's data from 2010, I think) indicated that less than a dozen kids under age 6, shot and killed another child. That still sounds pretty bad, but just FYI, that's slightly less than the number of children under 6 who drown IN BUCKETS annually. Mind you, we aren't talking about drowning in bath tubs or swimming pools (WAY more kids die that way each year), but in BUCKETS! That is why you now see the "warning labels" on Home Depot (and other's) plastic 5-gallon buckets.
Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
"Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2013: 56.5 million+suthdj wrote:And how many abortions are there a day?
219 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
Abortions per day: 2,899
Abortions per hour: 120
1 abortion every 30 seconds"
It's a fallen world.
Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
I realize you weren't attacking, but I get tired of the "one too many" line. It is a strong sounding line that means little. If anything, it seems to indicate you are willing to do anything or give up anything to prevent any one death. Maybe it is my inner engineer talking, but preventing ALL deaths is impossible and there is a strong argument to not try. It really comes down to personal responsibility. We could ban everything and force all sorts of mandatory training to force parents or others to be more responsible. It would still not prevent all deaths and would likely just create resentment.K.Mooneyham wrote: That said, a toddler wandering around a backyard and falling into a swimming pool is one too many. It speaks to the utter irresponsibility of adults who should be watching toddlers and covering their pools when not in use.
I know that might sound like an attack; I assure you it isn't. I write this to make the point that human beings are often irresponsible about a lot of things, and because of that, bad things happen in life, sometimes deadly things. Others have posted the stats about children and accidents, ALL of which are horrible and likely preventable. Firearms shouldn't be singled out, and wouldn't be, if it weren't for politics, usually of the leftwing variety.
I may be nitpicking. :)
Last edited by MechAg94 on Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Toddlers shooting people once a week in the US now.
One of my earliest memories is shooting a 357 magnum revolver. My Dad helped me hold it and I think I pulled the trigger (single action I assume). I just remember the huge muzzle blast. None of my Dad's guns were locked up when I was kid. My brother and I knew where they were. On the other hand, my Dad had no problem pulling them out to let us look at them and handle them when we were young. Later on, we felt much more comfortable around guns than other kids who didn't have that experience. I have talked to other men who had similar upbringing and most thought familiarizing kids with guns in a safe manner is a good way to eliminate some of the risk.philip964 wrote: ... 51585.html
6 year old shoots and kills his 3 year old brother after getting dads revolver on top of the refrigerator.
Father arrested, after all it is Chicago and guns don't exist there.
RIP little kid.
I would also add that my Dad wouldn't let me brother and I point toy guns at each other when he was around. He insisted on that and tried to explain why. He told us to imagine enemy soldiers to shoot at. I feel like that helped later on as well.
Last edited by MechAg94 on Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:54 pm, edited 2 times in total.