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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by K.Mooneyham »

C-dub wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:
C-dub wrote:Tanto style blades are not illegal. Disliking them is only a personal choice.

I does not have an actual locking mechanism, but so far it is not easy to get out either. It seems to have a kind of locking system similar to some kydex holsters where a definite click or whatever can be felt when pushing it in its sheath. At this time, I still have to pull with my hand and give a slight push with my thumb on a point designed for that to un-sheath the knife. It may become easier with time, but will have to wait and see.
My apologies for not making myself clear as to why I posted that. It truly wasn't a dig at anyone specific, but more at the knife law. There are knives I own that I would like to carry, but due to the shape, they may be construed as being illegal (Baby K-Bar, for instance, could be considered as a "bowie"). However, I have purchased a couple of knives to carry that meet length requirements simply because the shape, being "tanto" is NOT called out as being illegal, therefore I don't have to worry about it.
I apologize, but I don't understand what you mean when you say they meet the length requirements because the shape is not illegal. No matter what the shape or style is, the length still has to be 5.5" or less, right? And then there are other issues regarding whether it is a bowie or double edged or etc.
I went back and fixed what I wrote, it was confusing on further reading. Thank you.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by C-dub »

K.Mooneyham wrote:
C-dub wrote:
K.Mooneyham wrote:
C-dub wrote:Tanto style blades are not illegal. Disliking them is only a personal choice.

I does not have an actual locking mechanism, but so far it is not easy to get out either. It seems to have a kind of locking system similar to some kydex holsters where a definite click or whatever can be felt when pushing it in its sheath. At this time, I still have to pull with my hand and give a slight push with my thumb on a point designed for that to un-sheath the knife. It may become easier with time, but will have to wait and see.
My apologies for not making myself clear as to why I posted that. It truly wasn't a dig at anyone specific, but more at the knife law. There are knives I own that I would like to carry, but due to the shape, they may be construed as being illegal (Baby K-Bar, for instance, could be considered as a "bowie"). However, I have purchased a couple of knives to carry that meet length requirements simply because the shape, being "tanto" is NOT called out as being illegal, therefore I don't have to worry about it.
I apologize, but I don't understand what you mean when you say they meet the length requirements because the shape is not illegal. No matter what the shape or style is, the length still has to be 5.5" or less, right? And then there are other issues regarding whether it is a bowie or double edged or etc.
I went back and fixed what I wrote, it was confusing on further reading. Thank you.
That is an excellent reason that I had not considered. I have had a Western brand bowie knife for a long time. My dad used to had the same knife and I lost it as a kid, but replaced it later when I was in the Navy and bought my own. I've carried it when camping and haven't been bothered by any of the several encounters with LE while carrying it. I presume because of the nature of the environment and reason why I had it. However, a tanto style blade would never be confused for a bowie knife.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by jbirds1210 »

Disclaimer: I am a long time Spyderco junkie.

Someone mentioned support side carry of a folder and this is a topic that took me years to satisfy. I don't like auto knives at all...junk in my opinion. So far the only thing I've cut with one is myself when I stupidly put a key in my pocket along with it. I had the pleasure of visiting the Spyderco factory store (yes!) in May and played with a bunch of models. IMO the Emerson Wave feature is the answer to support side carry and fast access. The only caveat being you must buy a knife that can be set up properly by moving the pocket clip to a left side position as many of them only work right handed. I decided on a Matriarch II with the wave and feel very confident with it for my needs.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by jbirds1210 »

I also have to add that I am a big believer in serrated blades. If it is dull, press harder!
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by bmwrdr »

If you carry in the left pocket be aware that some manufacturers don't have the option to change the pocket clip 4 ways, tip up/ down - left and right. The Spyderco models have that feature and are very reliable. If you want to spend more money just get a Sebanza from CRKT, they have left hand models. Another one for the right handed person would be a German made Boker which is my preference.
I know there are many options but those I mentioned are good, time proven and lasting.
Important is reliability, light weight and a slim profile but still providib=ng a good and solid grip.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by MONGOOSE »

Spyderco police.....straight blade.....Stainless Steel ......will break a window. I've had and liked bench made also.....but I'm not sure I could break a window with the hilt
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by bmwrdr »

MONGOOSE wrote:Spyderco police.....straight blade.....Stainless Steel ......will break a window. I've had and liked bench made also.....but I'm not sure I could break a window with the hilt
I never had one of those but my Endura 4 is still one of my favorites. Maybe I should spend some money and get me a "Spyderco police" as well.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by MONGOOSE »

I carried an Endura for many years I bought the police model after my last Endra was stolen. It was all the store had in stock....but I like it
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

I’ve begun a modest Benchmade collection in the last couple of years, but today I added my first “grown up” Spyderco - a Paramilitary 2 .....left-handed model. Yep....they actually make a left-handed version of the knife. Here’s a picture, next to my Benchmade folders:



Top to bottom, the Benchmades are:
  1. 485 Valet - this is a gentleman’s folder with G10 scales, AXIS lock, and a 2.93” M390 stainless drop point blade.
  2. 940-2 Osborne - this is a EDC folder with G10 scales, AXIS lock, and a 3.44” CPM-SV30 stainless reverse tanto blade.
  3. 570 Presidio II - this is a rough use folder with machined aluminum scales, AXIS lock, and a 3.72” CPM-SV30 Stainless drop point blade.
Below those, for size comparison is the Syperderco Paramilitary 2. I show them closed, and with blades open so that you can see comparative blade lengths. The Paramilitary 2 falls somewhere between the 940-2 and the 570 in size. The PM and the 940 have virtually the same blade length, within a few hundredths of an inch, but the 940’s cutting edge is a little bit longer. But the 940’s handle is a little shorter, so it is overall a more compact package than the Spyderco. It’s also maybe little bit more in the “gentelman’s“ category than the “tactical”, while the PM is the other way around.....filling the niche between an EDC folder and a rough duty folder.

Anyway, I’m pleased with the Spyderco. It does take a bit more real estate in the pocket, but it also lies a little bit flatter than the 940.... so it might be a wash. I’ll need to carry it around for a while to see. One thing that I hope Spyderco has available, would be a deep carry clip like all three of my Benchmades have, which allows the knife to sit a little deeper in the pocket. It’s less obtrusive that way, but also less likely to fall out of your pocket and get lost.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by troglodyte »

I don't have any expensive knives. I'm too hard on them and I tend to lose them. I found a Benchmade Osborne similar to the one in TAMs post. I carried it for years and loved it...then I lost it...and I can't bring myself to spend the money to replace it. I know the general area where it lays but it is in the woods in central Texas. If I get back that way I may have to take a metal detector and see if I can find it amongst all the other metal tidbits from an old turkey farm.

I now carry a Case locking knife and a cheap Boker AK7 auto knife. My son gave me the Case so I'm fairly careful with it. The Boker is my utility knife, used for opening boxes, slicing apples, or digging weeds out of the garden. It doesn't hold an edge too well even if I treated it better but it is handy and will take care of the grunt work. I also like the auto feature as it is similar, albeit spring loaded, to the Benchmade. I often have one hand occupied so being able to open the knife one-handed is very...er...handy.

I have a few other general purpose knives for hunting or hiking but nothing fancy or notable.

I appreciate living vicariously through y'all's knives.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by Maxwell »

I have a SOG Flashback, auto. It’s my EDC and I enjoy it, especially since s was under $100.
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by shooter76blue »

nyj wrote: Tue Mar 03, 2015 9:58 pm
WildBill wrote:
carlson1 wrote:
WildBill wrote:
carlson1 wrote:I carried a Kershaw every once and a while. I was not much a knife guy. I can't find the thread, but I do know it was another Moderator that said if I would carry knife all the time I would find it more useful in most situations.

So I tried to be more consistent and then I bought this Benchmade HK 14850 Epidemic double-action out-the-front switchblade from another Forum member several months ago and I have not had one day that I have not carried it. I have learned that a knife makes your life a little easier. I can't believe it took me sooooo long to catch on to this.

Just yesterday while in East Texas visiting my mom I had to use my knife at her house, Wal Mart, and again at the gas station just for simple things, but would have been difficult without a knife.
I have been considering an automatic knife. Since I am left-handed my choices are limited. It seems that the Epidemic could equally be operated by either hand. Do you prefer an OTF over the standard button-on-the-side mechanism?
WildBill like I said I didn't start carrying one until I bought the Kershaw and I called in a flipper. Not for sure you call it, but it could be operated with your fore finger. The Kershaw's blade was very steady. The OTF has a little play in it. My brother has a Benchmade switchblade that comes out like a folder and it is much more steady. I hope that helps.
Carl - I have a Kershaw "flipper", but it's not an automatic. The handle seems too flat and is not comfortable to hold.

It seems like getting the auto converted you to a part-time knife carry to full-time.

Didn't see this post earlier, but Protech makes left hand specific autos. Made in USA and the quality is superb.
I am left-handed and I have a Protech (Elishewitx Design). It is an excellent folder!!!
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Re: Let's talk knives.


Post by The Annoyed Man »

troglodyte wrote: Wed Jul 25, 2018 9:53 pmI found a Benchmade Osborne similar to the one in TAMs post. I carried it for years and loved it...then I lost it...and I can't bring myself to spend the money to replace it. I know the general area where it lays but it is in the woods in central Texas. If I get back that way I may have to take a metal detector and see if I can find it amongst all the other metal tidbits from an old turkey farm.
I certainly hope you find it again. I don’t know if yours was a 940 variation - there are a number of Benchmade’s designed by Osborne besides the 940s - but I can say without equivocation that my 940-2 Osborne has been my very favorite EDC knife ever. It was the first one of my modest little collection of Benchmades (which includes also a 183 Contego fixed blade that I didn’t mention above), and other than showing a little wear on the black paint of the pocket clip, It’s as smooth and sharp as the day I bought it.
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