Texans Respond to License to Carry

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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by bigity »

Texas Tech here in Lubbock is supposed to have their guidelines for campus carry posted by Oct 1. I'll look for them then and post a link.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by oljames3 »

O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by Glockster »

oljames3 wrote:How some of your fellow Texans are responding to LTC:

Multiple articles on the Houston zoo.
http://www.addictinginfo.org/2015/09/15 ... dom-video/
"The zoo says it is “investigating the legal implications of [Walker’s] request,” and is consulting with other Texas cities. Zoo spokesperson Jackie Wallace explained that while the signs are down for now, the fight is not over. Despite Walker’s claims, the zoo has long maintained that it is an educational institution under state law, which would allow them to ban guns."
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My State Rep Hubert won't tell me his position on HB560. How about yours?
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by oljames3 »

http://www.wilsoncountynews.com/pdfs/ap ... __sara.pdf



TAKE NOTICE that a Regular meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE SAN
ANTONIO RIVER AUTHORITY will be held at 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16, 2015,
in the Boardroom of the San Antonio River Authority, 100 E. Guenther Street, San Antonio,
Bexar County, Texas. The following subjects may be considered, presented, discussed and acted
upon at said meeting:

O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
Safety Ministry Director, First Baptist Church Elgin
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by Carolina Cajun »

bigity wrote:Texas Tech here in Lubbock is supposed to have their guidelines for campus carry posted by Oct 1. I'll look for them then and post a link.
bigity, I am actually part of the faculty here at Texas Tech and I have emailed numerous members of the board asking them if there was any open spots for me to sit on it as far as the campus carry guidelines. As you figured, all emails have gone ice cold. Why would they want a law abiding citizen with a CHL to have their input right? lol
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by oljames3 »

Texans are talking about open carry on 1/1/16. It's no secret. Whether we correct a business's non-compliant signage or not, the conversation has already started and will only grow.

Churches as talking.


September 20: Church and Gun Laws
Pastor Coffey will share information about new laws in Texas regarding open carry, and the concealed carry laws, and what options churches have. What policy do you think FELC should have regarding concealed and open carry in the church? Come have a conversation and Pastor Coffey will share the feedback with the church council.

And colleges: UTEP professor will not allow guns in his classroom.
http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/features/top ... foVENJVhBd

Part of situational awareness is political and social awareness. Do your own due diligence and decide for yourself how best to go about your life.
O. Lee James, III Captain, US Army (Retired 2012), Honorable Order of St. Barbara
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by Eric Lamberson »

O. Lee James, III wrote: Part of situational awareness is political and social awareness. Do your own due diligence and decide for yourself how best to go about your life.
Concealed--what's so hard to understand? I believe the open carry concerns will slowly drift away over time just like the hand wringing that resulted from the original adoption of concealed carry legislation. However, in the near term what fantastic advice: "Do your own due diligence and decide for yourself how best to go about your life."

I never tell students to violate or ignore the law. I tell them that as adults they are free to make their own decisions; however, with those decisions they must understand that they are also choosing the potential consequences.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by meddafuxa »

So what happens when every business post anti gun signs?

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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by Taypo »

meddafuxa wrote:So what happens when every business post anti gun signs?
The OC crowd can sit around and pat each other on the back for a job while done.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by mojo84 »

meddafuxa wrote:So what happens when every business post anti gun signs?
How likely do you think this will be?
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by gdanaher »

Well, maybe not EVERY store will post, but a good many will who would not have if it weren't for the practices of OCT. Thanks guys.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by mojo84 »

gdanaher wrote:Well, maybe not EVERY store will post, but a good many will who would not have if it weren't for the practices of OCT. Thanks guys.

I agree there will be more than if the OCT idiots hadn't done what they did. I also do no't think we need to resort to exaggeration and hyperbole to make our points. That does more damage to our credibility.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by meddafuxa »

mojo84 wrote:
meddafuxa wrote:So what happens when every business post anti gun signs?
How likely do you think this will be?
Since moving to Texas, very likely. You have more laws here than any pro gun state I feel. I'm in San Antonio. We almost got Acevedo as a chief, he hates OC. Our mayor or whatever she is big liberal too. So from what I've seen since moving here...likely. My state had CC and constitutional open carry. We had no problems, and hardly anyone OC. Some did to wal mart or out to eat and no one complained. We've even become a swing state. So I find it odd Texas has so many laws. I need a permit to sell my own _______ in my own yard for Christ sake. We couldn't even carry knives! Of course that contradicts my argument since they just passed a law allowing us to carry in San Antonio again. Still, you see where I am coming from? I won't be open carrying, and I'm glad it's an option. IT just seems we're all accepting unconstitutional laws, like CC permits for example.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by Vol Texan »

oljames3 wrote:Texans are talking about open carry on 1/1/16. It's no secret. Whether we correct a business's non-compliant signage or not, the conversation has already started and will only grow.

Churches as talking.


September 20: Church and Gun Laws
Pastor Coffey will share information about new laws in Texas regarding open carry, and the concealed carry laws, and what options churches have. What policy do you think FELC should have regarding concealed and open carry in the church? Come have a conversation and Pastor Coffey will share the feedback with the church council.

And colleges: UTEP professor will not allow guns in his classroom.
http://www.kfoxtv.com/news/features/top ... foVENJVhBd

Part of situational awareness is political and social awareness. Do your own due diligence and decide for yourself how best to go about your life.

I understand your position. You have posted on this thread MANY companies, organizations, etc. who are already spreading the word. Because of that, I think (and please do correct me if I'm wrong) that you're implying that it doesn't matter a bit if one of us makes a point to inform a business about their signage.

I agree with you...the word is out. But that doesn't mean I have to help them with their endeavor. I figure it's like if I'm in a gunfight with a well-stockpiled adversary...just because they have lots of bullets at their disposal doesn't mean that I should offer them some of mine. That would be tactically unsound.

Let them do as they wish, and I'll never go out of my way to teach someone else the law so that they can use it against me.
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Re: Texans Respond to License to Carry


Post by K.Mooneyham »

Well, I get the impression that oljames is chastising anyone who supported OC in any form or fashion, and posting all of this as a "see, it's all your fault that every place will now be legally posted". If that is not accurate, what is the point to all of this?
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