A questionable method of determining which state has "the most guns," but interesting nonetheless.
Wyoming is #1 in this analysis, but Maine and Vermont are also in the top 15. I suspect it's largely a function of population....the less populous the more licenses per 100,000.Many people assume that this controversy is just limited to southern states, where carrying a gun in public seems to be more commonplace than in other parts of the country (Candice Bergen’s character in Miss Congeniality sums it up perfectly ). And yes, Texas does lead the country in firearm permits overall (based on its entire population). But when FindTheBest looked at the breakdown of federal firearm licenses per 100,000 people on our firearm dealers topic , we found that it’s not the southern states that are manufacturing and selling the most guns, but somewhere completely overlooked. Based on data provided by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, here are the 15 states with the highest number of firearm licenses (per 100,000 people).