KD5GR here, but you probably know that. You have two mighty fine radios there! I'm running Kenwood TM-V71A's in my car and as a base unit. I'm going to get A Yaesu FTM-400DR as soon as I get the DR-1X repeater up. It's for the Texas Youth Amateur Radio Club (http://www.TYARC.org).
Growing up in southern Commiefornia I bought a little hand held ham radio years ago for a Just in case situation. I'm not licensed and I've never used it but it's nice to have in the bug out bag.
Disclaimer: Anything I state can not be applied to 100% of all situations. Sometimes it's ok to speak in general terms.
I celebrated 56 years of being licensed a couple of months ago.
After 42 years of patient, persistent, experienced, dedicated, skillful procrastination, I upgraded from Advanced to Extra last fall.
I have a bunch of radios, Tentec Omni VI+, Elecraft K-2, ICOM 706MKIIG, MFJ 9020. My dipole came down this spring in the storms, so I put up a rotating dipole 44' long this summer. I also have a homebrew clone S9v31 that I built, using Petlowany coils for radials. HOA limitations, and the solid rock here makes a tower and rotating antennas a dicey proposition. I hope to try a ~300' loop before long. After decades of all sorts of activity, I only work QRP CW.
In my past life, I was a VC, EC, DXer, DFer, repeater trustee of a very large system in San Diego, and was a Radioman in the Navy Reserve before I got my commission.
My masterful procrastination drives my wife nuts. She wants me to join a support group, and I may, some day. I checked into it. They haven't met yet, so there is no rush.
Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.
KF5ZYS, FORMER KF6RHT. Not on hf much do to hoa rules but everyonce in awhile ill string up a 6m delta or a 20m dipole. Home rig is a ft 857d , ht is a vx7r. Tring to find a 2m, 440 unit for the truck.
Close to 25 years now.
I'm a General License since 1964, been inactive for 20 years
Got my ARRL QST subscription going
The equipment sure has changed in 20 years
I'm retired now and will get the Extra and try the repeater world
Reluctant to post my call, reveals way too much for the internet bad guys.
It is amazing to me what has happened as to loosening the requirements, no Morse code. Even my First Class Radiotelephone has been obsoleted (I understand the requirement to have it was keeping the ladies out).
K5NRA, was KF9TM, and N2AZM. A very long time ago (1955) I was a novice licensee for a year, and then in 1964 I got a tech license which I let lapse. I have no recollection of those calls.
Charles L. Cotton wrote:You have two mighty fine radios there! I'm running Kenwood TM-V71A's in my car and as a base unit. ....
Welcome to the hobby!
Thanks! There's sooooo much to learn with this thing, and (ironically) I don't have much of a commute to work (takes me a whole 10 minutes ), so I don't get much time to goof around right now. I definitely need to find a local Elmer who knows how to help me make the most of my 710 system.
I don't fear guns; I fear voters and politicians that fear guns.