mr surveyor wrote:The Annoyed Man wrote:What was it that Davey Crockett is supposed to have said.......something along the lines of "You can all go to hades, I'm going to Texas"? That is pretty much how I feel about politicians these days. Pretty much all of them.
The Davey Crockett reference is nice, but unfortunately Texas is just 1 of 50 now. Where is the "New Texas"?
jd, what I care about now is, in this order:
- My God
- My family
- My church
- My neighborhood
- My community
Everything else comes in a distant 6th place or lower to those things. God is everywhere (although there are parts of the east and west coasts that it doesn't seem like it). My family is mostly in Texas (those that aren't voted in California
for this mess). My church is in Texas. My neighborhood is in Texas. And, my community is in Texas. So I've
already gone to Texas........and, having lived for decades in California, I know exactly how Davey Crockett felt, and to hades with the rest of them.
Both major parties are utterly corrupt. There may be some good politicians in there, but they are a tiny minority. Most are corrupted by the power they've been given, and
utterly corrupted by the power they've
taken. They are
never going to willingly surrender a single iota of that power......thus, there will never been any term limits passed, or any legislation passed which subjects politicians to the same laws they saddle the rest of us with. NONE of that power will pass from them back to The People, until The People
take it from them.......and most Americans......even among self-identified conservatives.....have a price and can be bought. And personally, although I think it is needed, I don't want the country to ever get to that point.....for the simple reason that too many people will die before the situation stabilizes, and our enemies abroad can make a LOT of mischief for us while we are otherwise occupied. In fact, I would go a step further and say that politicians absolutely know this, and they
count on rational people being more afraid of a revolution than they are of continuing along the current arc.
So, even if the republicans win the presidential election, I seriously don't think it will make that much of a difference.........not as long as a couple of chumps like Boehner and McConnell control Congress.
I am NOT endorsing either Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina, but it is going to take complete political outsiders like those two to change the culture of Washington DC...........
IF it's not too late and it can even
be changed. Donald Trump, for all of his running as a "maverick", has been way too cozy to major political figures for a very long time to be considered an "outsider". As he has bragged during the debate, he has them in his pocket. We need someone like a Carson or Fiorina who will sleep just fine if they don't get the job, who refuse to climb into anyone's pocket, who
have full and interesting lives without craving the political limelight, and who aren't SO desperate to
have the office that they'll say
anything, and violate any
principle, to
get it.
My only advice is this: listen to what each candidate has said at the outset of the campaign, and then listen what each says at the end of the campaign, compare the two positions and judge if that is a candidate who has stood by his/her principles from the get-go, and then judge whether or not those principles resonate with your own. If that candidate has been steadfast in that, and if his/her principles resonate with your own, then that is how you should vote. And if they don't, then find the one that does.
But I'll never again advise anyone to accept having to hold their nose to vote for the least bad of two bad choices. It doesn't pay. And decades of conservative and libertarian holding their noses and voting republican out of fear of the democrat party has done nothing but give the republican party permission to take those votes for granted. They have come to believe that there is no limit to how deep they can pile the crap and the insults on the base voters and still have their votes.
So far, I have not said whom I
would vote for (I'm not even sure myself); but I can state categorically that there is one person running as a republican whom I categorically
will not vote for......even if it means handing the election to the democrats.....because THAT candidate would be just as bad.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.
“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, "Those Who Remain"