Mike Bloomberg's gun control group to spend $8m in Texas elections
Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2020 3:52 pm
This article is from February, but bears repeating as the election grows closer:
Mike Bloomberg's gun control group to spend $8m in Texas elections
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Mike Bloomberg's gun control group to spend $8m in Texas elections
We don't want what happened in Virginia to happen here. I know most of us are already NRA members. If you're a new LTC or new Texas gun owner now is the time to get organized, because wealthy out of state billionaires like Mike Bloomberg are very actively working to steal your 2nd Amendment rights.Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg’s gun control group is planning to spend at least $8m in Texas to elect state and federal politicians who support what it calls “gun sense” laws, including requiring background checks before all gun sales.
Last year, Everytown for Gun Safety poured at least $2.5m into state races in Virginia, backing candidates who supported tougher gun laws and helping to elect a Democratic state house majority for the first time in 26 years.
Now, it is pledging to use the same tactics in Texas, one of the most gun-friendly states in the nation.
The NRA you can get a discount on NRA membership HERE
The Texas State Rifle Association also needs your support: Join Now