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Chicago Follies Fourth and Long

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 4:42 pm
by ELB
This story: ... un-rogers/
notes that 15 yo old kid driving a stolen Jeep was killed when another vehicle pulled up beside him and started shooting. The passenger next to the 15 yo was critically wounded. Unfortunately not surprising and not uncommon for Chicago. But it's worse than the article lets on:

Second City Cop fills in the rest of the story: The 15 yo car thief had been released to his family only 90 minutes earlier after he was arrested earlier in the day for...a stolen car. When the other vehicle pulled up on the driver's side and started shooting into the Jeep, the passenger next to the 15 yo driver in the Jeep started shooting back...and shot the 15 yo in the head by accident.

Re: Chicago Follies Fourth and Long

Posted: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:22 pm
by philip964
Geez, Jaykuan.

Is that any name to give a kid. No wonder he turned out bad.

Re: Chicago Follies Fourth and Long

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2019 11:54 am
by johncanfield
philip964 wrote: Thu Jul 25, 2019 6:22 pm Geez, Jaykuan.

Is that any name to give a kid. No wonder he turned out bad.
Since it's not PC now to call out the perp's race, the first name is usually an accurate indicator. Hopefully this kid hasn't bred before getting shot by his accomplice.