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Satire: Loophole allows those banned by Facebook to nevertheless buy firearms.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 10:00 am
by KLB
A Facebook ban: it can cost you readers, revenue, reputation, and sometimes even your employment. But Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has butted up against the limits of his power, in the form of a controversial federal law that allows those who have violated Facebook’s Terms of Service Agreement to purchase, possess, and use whatever firearms they want for whatever reason they want. ... -facebook/

Re: Satire: Loophole allows those banned by Facebook to nevertheless buy firearms.

Posted: Tue Jun 04, 2019 12:14 pm
by philip964
Yes it’s true a law allows people banned from Facebook to still legally acquire weapons of war for whatever reason they want.

This is not a joke or some kind of fake news. The US really has laws like this.