OR: Antifa ups their game
Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2019 12:41 pm
https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2019/ ... in-school/
https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2019/ ... -shooting/Charlie Landeros, aged old enough to know better, loved his far-left activism. He belonged to an armed Antifa group we’ve covered, training “oppressed peoples” in armed self-defense. And now he’s no longer with us after drawing down on two Eugene, Oregon police officers who attempted to arrest him at a Eugene middle school there.
It's time for Antifa to be recognized by local, state and federal governments for what they are: domestic terrorist group(s)The Eugene, OR police department found explosive devices planted outside their headquarters building Monday. That followed the release of police body cam video showing the death of a local Antifa member. Charlie Landeros drew a gun on officers attempting to arrest him at his daughter’s middle school and they shot him to death.