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AL: Armed security guard stops AK armed active shooter

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:03 pm
by bblhd672
Hmmm....don't remember seeing this story on main sewer media. ... lub-videos
An Alabama private security officer is being hailed by police after she engaged a rifle-armed felon at the club she was protecting on New Year’s Eve.

The Huntsville Police Department last week booked Samuel Demario Williams, 33, on a variety of felony charges after he was released from an area hospital. Williams, who had been told to leave the 3208 Club on Long Street, instead retrieved an AK-style rifle from the trunk of his car and started shooting. That’s when the security guard, the only armed officer at the scene, told local media she stepped in.
And for today's what were they thinking entry:
As for Williams, charged with shooting into an unoccupied vehicle, possession of a firearm by a prohibited person, menacing, and reckless endangerment, he has been released on bond pending trial. He was the only person injured.

Re: AL: Armed security guard stops AK armed active shooter

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:21 pm
by Jusme
Yeah this doesn't fit the narrative, of a good guy ( or girl in this case) can stop a bad guy with a gun. So it won't be on social media. Not only that, the guard immedialy rendered first aid to the BG.

Still not sure how he was allowed to post bond. Doesn't sound like the type of upstanding citizen you want wandering the streets.

Good job on the part of the security guard.

Re: AL: Armed security guard stops AK armed active shooter

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:29 pm
by Pawpaw
This has to be fake news. A person with a handgun has absolutely no chance against someone armed with a rifle.

We know this because the Parkland Punks told us so.


Re: AL: Armed security guard stops AK armed active shooter

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:47 pm
by Jusme
Pawpaw wrote: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:29 pm This has to be fake news. A person with a handgun has absolutely no chance against someone armed with a rifle.

We know this because the Parkland Punks told us so.

Especially one of those AK type AR something number fully semiautomatic, weapons of war assault killing machines with a shoulder thing that goes up. :smilelol5:

Re: AL: Armed security guard stops AK armed active shooter

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 12:59 pm
by Paladin
Latoya handled the situation like a pro. Outstanding job!!! A+++ :txflag:

Whatever they are paying her, she deserves a raise.

Whoever let the Williams out on bond deserves to be fired. You really have to think that some of these people in authority want more mass shootings and violent crime.
As for Williams, charged with shooting into an unoccupied vehicle, possession of a firearm by a prohibited person...
Second video confirms Williams was already a violent felon before the incident, that didn't stop him from having an AK anyway. Williams was caught red handed in an open an shut case of illegal possession of an AK, and after shooting up a night club, which might have resulted in dozens of fatalities, and they let the guy go so he can try again???

Fueling mass murder gives billionaire New Yorkers like Michael Bloomberg more excuses to attack our fundamental rights.

Re: AL: Armed security guard stops AK armed active shooter

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2019 6:54 pm
by Allons
I guess he'll be coming back this weekend for some payback. Instead of out on bond should be taking a dirt nap.