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Firearms-related accident deaths PLUNGE 41% from 1999

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 3:43 pm
by Paladin
Firearms-related accident deaths PLUNGE 41% from 1999, but the media won’t report the facts
The CDC can and does manipulate gun data

The NSSF noted further:

Likewise, it’s understandably confusing when recent news articles proclaim that “guns killed more people than car crashes in 2017.” While this kind of clickbait is sure to get views, it is a deliberately misleading comparison of different data. In this article for example, the authors take the full sum of all firearms-related deaths, suicides, homicides and accidents, and compares it to car accidents. Why not compare firearms accidents to car accidents? Well that would show that car accidents occur at far higher rates (11.9 for cars compared to 0.1 for firearms)...

The [Crime Prevention] center reported in April 2017 that 54 percent of counties in 2014 had zero murders, while just 2 percent of counties had more than half — 51 percent — of all gun-related murders that year.

Meanwhile, 69 percent of counties had no more than a single gun-related murder. The worst one percent of counties held 19 percent of the country’s population and featured 37 percent of all gun-related homicides, the center found.
Looks like the big cities have TWICE their share of gun-homicides.

Perhaps we should ban big cities? Do it for the children :biggrinjester:

Re: Firearms-related accident deaths PLUNGE 41% from 1999

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2019 4:13 pm
by MaduroBU
This is good but highly misleading because it drastically understates its point. Its akin to saying "Capitalism is better than communism because it's hard to get a car in a communist society." The truth is much stronger.

Homicide isn't just focal to big cities or bad neeighborhoods; it is focal to tiny groups of people who are hyperviolent. Legal gun ownership (i.e. not a felon with a Saturday Night Special) has a strong negative correlation with homicide, and the only way that anti-2A forces can camoflage that fact is by 1) equating suicide and homicide and 2) deliberately using insufficient geographical precision with statistics. Louisiana, for example, may have an extreme rate of gun violence and a high rate of gun ownership. A researcher with little regard for accuracy and great regard for an agenda would stop there: they confirmed their bias. That's not science.

The issue is, not only is the "scientist" guilty of lying about doing science while using her credentials as a mask, but they're doing so in a way that they demonstrably know to be false. To use Louisiana, lets take New Orleans as an even more specific example. The homicide rate in the Garden District is little different than a European city or NYC. The homicide rate a mile away in the lower 9th, at least before 2005, was comparable to Honduras or Fallujah. This monumental disparity is typical of homicide in America,and it is reflected in the strong preference for homes outside of these areas. People universally want to live outside of these violent areas, and pay several times more on the largest purchase that most will ever make to live away from low gun, high crime areas and within higher gun, far lower crime areas.

If gun homicides were about guns, then we wouldn't all instinctively flee from gun homicide by moving next to the people with the guns.