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UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:04 pm
by KLB
The University of North Texas Dallas School of Law has suspended Brandon Masin, the founder of the school's chapter of the Federalist Society. That society is the only conservative student organization at the law school. What we know for sure is that the threat accusations against him did not hold up and that, in investigating the threats, the school inquired into gun ownership. When the accusations proved groundless, he was nevertheless suspended. Hmmm. ... nded-guns/

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2018 6:28 pm
by dlh
This young man is learning about the adversarial system up close and in person.
Looks like he is getting a raw deal and it sounds all quite Kafkaesque.
He should certainly see an attorney who specializes in "school law" and consider his options.
Before I read this link I had never heard of the University of North Texas at Dallas College of Law and its "innovative approach to legal education.".....hmmm--wonder what that is. For a real law school education watch the old movie Paper Chase with Timothy Bottoms and John Houseman. :)
Hope it works out well for him.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 7:38 am
by chasfm11
I'm not sure how due process can be denied to this extent at a public university. I get it - "private" institutions get to make their own rules. But in higher learning facilities completely sponsored by the State of Texas, this is as anti-Constitutional and anti civil rights as it gets. It is a play right out of the Kavanuagh hearings.

I hope that one of the Conservative legal groups picks up support for this student. I'm guessing that his participation in the Federalist group is at the root of the actions against him, not his firearm ownership.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:55 am
by NavAir
Thanks for posting. My youngest son (a Junior at A&M) is taking the LSAT and applying to Law Schools this Spring. I when I show him this, I know he won't be applying to UNT! For his 21st birthday, we paid for his LTC application and class. He will be taking it this Winter Break.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:02 pm
by bblhd672
deleted previous comments due to finding out OCT was behind the story and not all facts may actually be factual.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:08 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
Hope the kid sues, wins, and gets enough to pay for law school......somewhere else.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:23 pm
by rotor
If you read the comments at this site you may get a different opinion... ... z5Z7N0NuHR

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:35 pm
by KLB
NavAir wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:55 am Thanks for posting. My youngest son (a Junior at A&M) is taking the LSAT and applying to Law Schools this Spring. I when I show him this, I know he won't be applying to UNT! For his 21st birthday, we paid for his LTC application and class. He will be taking it this Winter Break.
Congratulations. I recommend that he read this paper, which can be downloaded for free: ... d=1160925

Not free, but he probably should also study this: ... s=Volokh

In my class, a lot of people spent weeks trying to figure out how law school was different from undergraduate school. It is different. I benefitted from having spent three years in the Marine Corps before law school. I took it more seriously than I would have straight out of undergraduate school.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:42 pm
by KLB
rotor wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:23 pm If you read the comments at this site you may get a different opinion... ... z5Z7N0NuHR
Thanks. I read the comments at the link, and they tell quite a different story. Gratuitously displaying your weapon raises all sorts of psychological issues.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:17 pm
by ScottDLS
KLB wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:42 pm
rotor wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:23 pm If you read the comments at this site you may get a different opinion... ... z5Z7N0NuHR
Thanks. I read the comments at the link, and they tell quite a different story. Gratuitously displaying your weapon raises all sorts of psychological issues.
I originally saw this story over at the Facebook page of "the group that shall not be named". At first glance it appeared that the guy was getting railroaded. But I suspected there may be more to the story. As liberal as UNT likely is, it is a Texas state school and surely knew that their actions would be subject to public scrutiny. Let's see how it plays out.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:56 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
OK, read the comments. Changing my question to "why has nobody filed charges?". For either willful violation of 30.07, and/or for 'displaying a weapon in a manner calculated to alarm'. You would hope that, at a law school, somebody would actually know the law....... :shock:

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 11:15 pm
by WTR
I would think that if the student had pulled a gun and laid it out on a table in the library that there would be video evidence of that. I’m not taking the ananimous soursees claiming he made threats too seriously either. Sounds like it may be a type of SWATING.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 11:12 am
by spectre
ScottDLS wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:17 pm I originally saw this story over at the Facebook page of "the group that shall not be named". At first glance it appeared that the guy was getting railroaded. But I suspected there may be more to the story. As liberal as UNT likely is, it is a Texas state school and surely knew that their actions would be subject to public scrutiny. Let's see how it plays out.
They know they're in the clear until the Austin fines for signs lawsuit is over in 2021.

Re: UNT Dallas School of Law suspends student, possiby in part because he owns a firearm

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2018 1:00 pm
by TreyHouston
bblhd672 wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:02 pm deleted previous comments due to finding out OCT was behind the story and not all facts may actually be factual.
Agreed! Im no longer interested in this story