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2 Revolutions attributed to Gun Control

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 5:10 pm
by DEB
Read the news today of significant events and found it to be somewhat corresponding to what the Democrats are looking to accomplish without considering the ramifications of their acts:

April 18, 1775. Facing the threat of rebellion, British General Thomas Gage hoped to prevent violence by ordering the seizure of weapons and powder being stored in Concord, Massachusetts, setting the stage for the shot heard around the world.

On this day October 2, 1835, the growing tensions between Mexico and Texas erupt into violence when Mexican soldiers attempt to disarm the people of Gonzales, sparking the Texan war for independence.

Although this wasn't the only reasons that the revolutions started, they seem to be the reason the first shots were fired for independence. Both of these revolts went from the talking stage to the shooting stage when the respective Governments took the measure of confiscating firearms. Just sayin... :txflag: :patriot:

Re: 2 Revolutions attributed to Gun Control

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 2:27 am
by WildRose
"Gun Control" no matter how else described is always about giving gov't unlimited power to suppress and oppress "The People".

What's worse, is that it is inherently racist as it is the poor who suffer as it gets more expensive to get, and legally keep guns and it is minorities who have the highest rates of poverty in the US.

Re: 2 Revolutions attributed to Gun Control

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:47 pm
by E10
I just marked Oct 2 in my phone’s calendar as Come and Take It - Gonzales Flag Day. I’ve had a Gonzales flag for some time but never had a specific day to display it. I intend to fly that symbol of Texas liberty in front of my house every year for as long as I am able to hoist it. Let’s all get one and make it a statewide celebration.

Re: 2 Revolutions attributed to Gun Control

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:44 pm
by WildRose
E10 wrote: Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:47 pm I just marked Oct 2 in my phone’s calendar as Come and Take It - Gonzales Flag Day. I’ve had a Gonzales flag for some time but never had a specific day to display it. I intend to fly that symbol of Texas liberty in front of my house every year for as long as I am able to hoist it. Let’s all get one and make it a statewide celebration.
Not a bad Idea but in your neck of the woods it just might start another revolution!

Re: 2 Revolutions attributed to Gun Control

Posted: Sat Oct 06, 2018 9:24 am
by crazy2medic
The grievances are piled up like random logs, but it's the attempt to disarm the populace that is the spark that lights the bonfire!

Re: 2 Revolutions attributed to Gun Control

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2018 9:36 am
by E10
WildRose wrote: Fri Oct 05, 2018 11:44 pmNot a bad Idea but in your neck of the woods it just might start another revolution!
Well, I already fly various flags on days special to Texans: Independence Day and Sam Houston’s Birthday; the anniversaries of the fall of the Alamo and the battle of San Jacinto and the day we became a state. Nobody seems to pay much attention.

I’m normally a peaceable fella, but if they’re foolish enough to start something, I’ll be ready. Our side’s armed.