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Alyssa Milano protests the NRA surrounded by armed guards

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 7:28 pm
by Chemist45
Go here for the video of the has-been actress preaching to a crowd of dozens: ... ed-guards/

In it, NRA member Will Haraway asked one of Milano’s security if he was armed. Security did not like being questioned and a large security man walked threateningly toward Will repeating saying "I'm going to ask you to leave" over and over again.
What the heck?
Milano was on public property, therefore so was Will. By what right does her security force a man away?
He made no threat to the former actress.
He was polite.
It is public property.
AFAIK he had as much right to be there as she and her entourage.
This is disgusting.

Re: Alyssa Milano protests the NRA surrounded by armed guards

Posted: Sun May 06, 2018 8:10 pm
by Keith B
Topic already running viewtopic.php?f=144&t=92404