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If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 4:55 pm
by bblhd672
Law abiding firearm owners represent a wide array of views about the 2nd Amendment, from the group who says they'll turn in their firearms should the Constitution be changed and civilian owned firearms become illegal to those who say you can pry their firearms from their cold dead hands.

I don't want to know where in that range you stand, what I want is your opinion on what percentage of Americans will actually be in the "my right to armed self defense doesn't come from the government so come and take them" group (not keyboard warriors who say they will). I hear/read estimates from 1 to 3%.

Consider this, the population of the United States is roughly 300-330 million. For the purposes of this poll, lets keep the nice round number of 300 million. Whatever percentage you choose times 300 million is the number of Americans the left is willing to kill or imprison in order to achieve their goal of total gun control and confiscation.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:12 pm
by jason812
How can the answer not be 3%?

Every percentage point represents 3 million people. Think about that. If if is 3%, that's almost 10 million people that the government would treat like Mao's China, Stalin/Lenin's Russia, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Castro's Cuba... Then what happens when the guns are gone? 10 million is a drop in the bucket. Unless you think the American socialist will be better than what history has shown.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 5:22 pm
by Soccerdad1995
Roughly 1/3 of American households own guns. I am guessing that at least one out of 5 of those would defend their right to keep and bear arms, believing that it does not derive from any government.

So if the 2nd Amendment is repealed, and the government tries to seize privately owned weapons, then I believe the percentage would be somewhere north of 5%. In other words, 6 times the number of people in the U.S. military at the moment. The end result would not be pretty.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:11 pm
by J.R.@A&M
Well, if they come for my revolver collection, that would be a worst case scenario. Still, I reject the premise of the post. I wouldn’t turn them in, nor would I declare war. I would probably just wait and see.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:16 pm
by Beiruty
This poll is not helpful.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:23 pm
by Grundy1133
I know I'll be out there protecting my God given right to defend myself. And my constitutional right to defend myself against a tyrannical govt. I might die but I'd rather die free than live as a slave.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 7:29 pm
by cirus
I intend to live out the rest of life a free man. You take that anyway you want.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:08 pm
by J.R.@A&M
cirus wrote:I intend to live out the rest of life a free man. You take that anyway you want.
So do I. If I am more discrete about it, do you think I will be more or less successful retaining my firearms than somebody who draws attention with bravado about armed resistance, secession, etc.?

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:24 pm
by stever1950
I'll throw them a bone.... I have a couple of old Jennings they can have. :lol:

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 8:47 pm
by treadlightly
Like our Founders, I'll wait for a long train of usurpations and abuses before I advocate violence, and long before I reach that point I will have worked to find cracks in the tyrant's defenses, and sought ways to bring down the unworthy.

My advice, practice with your weapons. That means your word processor, too. Write 20 minutes a day. Study a little history.

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 10:42 pm
by Bitter Clinger
All very nice words, but wasted in the echo chamber. :mad5

While we are pontificating, the left wing facist anti's continue to mobilize and take aggressive action to deny law abiding Americans their Constitutional rights, here are just a few of the latest examples: ... e-schools/ ... prevention

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:03 pm
by Grundy1133
Bitter Clinger wrote:All very nice words, but wasted in the echo chamber. :mad5

While we are pontificating, the left wing facist anti's continue to mobilize and take aggressive action to deny law abiding Americans their Constitutional rights, here are just a few of the latest examples: ... e-schools/ ... prevention
sounds like a george bushism :lol:

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:34 pm
by ScottDLS
Don’t you know all the three letter agencies are monitoring TexasCHLForum and putting everyone that answers this poll on....THE LIST. :shock:

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 11:55 pm
by TreyHouston

Re: If the 2nd Amendment is repealed poll

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 12:23 am
by Grundy1133
ScottDLS wrote:Don’t you know all the three letter agencies are monitoring TexasCHLForum and putting everyone that answers this poll on....THE LIST. :shock:
let em