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Tally of Texas Peace Officer Involved Shootings

Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2018 11:33 am
by ELB
Looking for something else I stumbled over a report on the Texas Attorney General's website that tallies all the Texas peace officer involved shootings. The 2015 Texas legislature added a requirement to the criminal procedures code that requires a report for every incident where a Texas peace officer was involved in a shooting, either as shooter or shootee it appears.

The reports are not very detailed, just very basic info. Date and time, location, race, age, of peace officers and others involved, type of law enforcement incident (e.g. traffic stop), killed/wounded etc. Nothing like who shot first, justified/unjustified, types of weapons, or anything like that.

In 2017 there were 158 incidents, which resulted in 80 deaths, 78 injuries to non-peace officers, and 21 injuries and 5 deaths to peace officers.

The AG's webpage for this is here: ... ing-report