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Democratic Fundraiser Charged With Multiple Gun Felonies

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 12:24 pm
by Pawpaw ... -felonies/
Democrats, as a general rule, want to limit yours and my access to guns. They may give you all kinds of justification, but the truth is that almost all of them want to limit what kind of guns you can buy to some extent. They would have the average American believe they’re all about responsibility and that guns in private hands are the real problem.

It looks like the issue is really guns in Democrats’ private hands.

Re: Democratic Fundraiser Charged With Multiple Gun Felonies

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2017 1:38 pm
by bmwrdr
Teah, the democrats are at it again and proof history repeats itself.
I remember when the public opinion suggested Putin is by far a better leader than Obama and now they try use the Russia topic to derail Trump. They are bad losers and they would do anything before they admit wrongdoing. One just may think about the tax payers money they waste and funnel in their own pockets with blame games and irrelevant accusations. An example and probably one of the worst besides the Russian story is the removal of historical monuments. Their behavior is rather destructive in my opinion and quiet frankly, some of them are avoiding logic, ethics and honesty at any costs in my opinion and many others share that as well. I also would not exclude all Republicans or include all democrats from that statement.


Re: Democratic Fundraiser Charged With Multiple Gun Felonies

Posted: Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:04 pm
by TreyHouston
Amazing that only a very little amount of media are reporting this story! :confused5