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Survey: Online audience evaluation of gun rights & regs.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 8:41 am
by Revet
The U of Wis. Madison Journalism Dept. is conducting a study to see how well the little people understand and accept the "fact checkers" when instructed that the good things they read about gun ownership are lies.

(FYI: Conservapedia, Campus Reform and others, rate the University of Wisconsin-Madison as one of the most liberal public research universities in the nation.)

There are a few questions at the beginning and end to determine which way you lean on the issue and in partisan politics. In the middle, you're asked to read a brief report that is positive to gun ownership--followed by a rebuttal from that fount of liberal-loved "data," Politifact. After that, a series of questions seek to determine if you are smart and open-minded enough to believe as directed.

Bless their hearts, they need input to adjust the effectiveness of their propaganda. ... f7jxrPnu97

My favorite was the question asking me how I feel about what I'd read. As with most online votes and surveys, delete your cookies and you can play as many times as you want.

Re: Survey: Online audience evaluation of gun rights & regs.

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:33 am
by Sport Coach
Done. In the questionnaire I'm surprised they even noted that the London summit ended with disagreement and that they will have it again next year. I fully expected it to say that since all didn't agree that guns are bad that they can no longer have that conversation because everyone's been brainwashed by President Trump and that illegal immigrants are good and the city of Chicago is just misunderstood, etc, etc.