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Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 10:18 am
by KLB ... e-victims/

The article is more alarmist than it should be, as is typical of organizations (left or right) subsisting on donations. Even so, the proposed bill is a bad idea. I know nothing of Navada politics, so I can't speculate on the chances of passage.

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:56 pm
by Pawpaw
This is where Republicans repeatedly fall on their faces in a slobbering pool. What they should do is go on the offensive, demanding to know why those Dimocrats are "pro criminal" and why they are so willing to sell honest citizens down the river.

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 12:20 pm
by Bitter Clinger
For now at least, the picture accompanying such an article in Texas would appear slightly different:


Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 3:36 pm
by Abraham
If the erosion (a euphemism if ever I heard one) of the Nevada Castle Doctrine is what it appears to be than the only thing I can conclude is criminals now have their own lobbyists...wait, yes, they've always had them, but perhaps not this bald...

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Sun Apr 09, 2017 4:16 pm
by The Annoyed Man
Pawpaw wrote:This is where Republicans repeatedly fall on their faces in a slobbering pool. What they should do is go on the offensive, demanding to know why those Dimocrats are "pro criminal" and why they are so willing to sell honest citizens down the river.
Bazinga! Furthermore, any republican who asks why it is necessary for them to go on the offensive should be asked (A) do you like your job; (B) do you want to keep it; and (C) when did you start working for the DNC?

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:55 am
by Abraham
I'm surprised there's not more attention to this proposed bill or is it some sort of hoax?

Please tell me it's actually a hoax as even the most liberal of liberals wouldn't promote such a pro-criminal, anti-citizen bill of this colossal stupidity!

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:09 am
by KC5AV
I just spent a good 10 minutes trying to determine if this is legitimate. Regardless, it's a very poorly written article. It would have a little more credibility if they'd mention which specific bill they are writing about.

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:17 am
by Jusme
Abraham wrote:I'm surprised there's not more attention to this proposed bill or is it some sort of hoax?

Please tell me it's actually a hoax as even the most liberal of liberals wouldn't promote such a pro-criminal, anti-citizen bill of this colossal stupidity!

I am not surprised. Most liberals feel that criminals are victims of society, and, as such, should be afforded extra protections under the law.

You will notice that every time someone is shot, or killed in self defense, the bottom dwellers come out of the woodwork to defend the poor unfortunate, criminal. We have had bills proposed in Texas along these same lines, one would have effectively destroyed the Castle Doctrine here, and reinstated a requirement to retreat in one's own home.

Just like the grandfather of the armed burglars in Oklahoma, the armed robber shot in a pizza place, and any others. They have no conception of right and wrong, or even sympathy for those beaten, robbed, or raped, at the hands of criminals, they want to deflect responsibility to someone else.

This bill is just a way for the criminal's family, to try to get rich from their devil spawn's misdeeds. Hopefully, the good folks of Nevada will reject this bill.

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:18 am
by Soccerdad1995
Abraham wrote:If the erosion (a euphemism if ever I heard one) of the Nevada Castle Doctrine is what it appears to be than the only thing I can conclude is criminals now have their own lobbyists...wait, yes, they've always had them, but perhaps not this bald...
Criminals don't need lobbyists. They have Democratic law makers firmly in their pockets, and will keep them there as long as the criminals continue to vote Democratic. Like the Virginia Governor who decided to restore voting rights to felons just in time for the last election.

Re: Erosion of Nevada Castle Doctrine

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:16 pm
by doncb
If it were to pass I guess the only solution would be to make sure the criminal reaches ambient temperature. Of course you would probably have to deal with the family of the darling angel that never did any thing wrong. (Even though his rap sheet is 3 feet long.)

To me "duty to retreat" means stepping back a few feet to get a better aiming position. :lol: