The link is ... /308/vote/.Have you ever wanted to personally address the candidates during a presidential debate? Find yourself yelling questions at the moderators through your TV? Don’t worry--you’re not alone.
But now, you can actually do something about it. On Sunday, October 9th at 9 p.m. eastern, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump will once again face off as they make their cases to the American public and the moderators have agreed to ask questions submitted and voted on by the general public.
This is where you come in. We need your help to get the Second Amendment on the debate stage and make Hillary Clinton answer for her anti-gun policies! All you have to do is click on the link below to vote for the one pro-gun question we want asked.
The actual text of the question is: "How will you ensure the 2nd amendment is protected? Too much crime is blamed on the tool, not the person. How will you protect law abiding citizens to protect themselves?"
You don't have to register at the site, but you do have to provide an email address and zip code. Currently, the question has 39,235 votes. Let's see if we can bump that up even higher.