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Gun Control group used faulty data, no fact checking

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 8:39 am
by Lynyrd
Safe Tennessee Project used bad data to promote gun control. Where were the fact checkers in the media? ... un-agenda/

Re: Gun Control group used faulty data, no fact checking

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:07 am
by jb2012
hahahaha fact :biggrinjester:

Re: Gun Control group used faulty data, no fact checking

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 9:36 am
by G.A. Heath
The concept that gun control advocates would lie or mislead politicians or the public surprises you because....?

In all honesty their arguments are so emotionally biased that facts are incompatible with their claims simply because even the smallest truth is exaggerated and distorted until it is so unrecognisable that even they can not point you to the basis of the claim. Remember that in the last legislative session here in Texas MDA claimed that crime rates for CHL/LTC holders was unavailable and locked up, even though DPS, TSRA, NRA, Charles Cotton, and others provide that data in various formats to the public and the legislature. Gun control advocates simply have a policy of not allowing the truth to get in the way of their goals.

Re: Gun Control group used faulty data, no fact checking

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 2:06 pm
by bblhd672
G.A. Heath wrote:Gun control advocates simply have a policy of not allowing the truth to get in the way of their goals.
Remove the words "gun control" and substitute the name of left wing organization and the statement remains true.

Re: Gun Control group used faulty data, no fact checking

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:04 pm
by mojo84
Even our Texas legislators do not fact check and refute lies told by the anti-gun nuts when they testify before them. I've watched hours of one lie after another with zero consequences.