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Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 5:27 am
by bblhd672

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 6:13 am
by cmgee67
This is the kind of story that needs to be broadcasted on every tv in the United States. This was a good example of a good man who saw somebody in need of help and stepped in. This time the person needing help was a police officer. Now more than ever they need our support and to watch their 6. Thank you for sharing that helped restore some lost faith in humanity for me today. This also goes to show that deadly force was not yet needed but having that force multiplier saved the day from having to use deadly force.

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:10 am
by Javier730
Awesome story.

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:19 am
by lildave40
cmgee67 wrote:This is the kind of story that needs to be broadcasted on every tv in the United States. This was a good example of a good man who saw somebody in need of help and stepped in. This time the person needing help was a police officer. Now more than ever they need our support and to watch their 6. Thank you for sharing that helped restore some lost faith in humanity for me today. This also goes to show that deadly force was not yet needed but having that force multiplier saved the day from having to use deadly force.
Your right everyone should see this. Sadly it will be buried with The cut clip of trump and the 2nd amendment.

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 7:26 am
by Abraham
This is one inspirational story.

My thinking as a gun toter that my gun is for me and mine protection only.

After reading this story and knowing I'd step in if witnessing such an event and could do something about it, my thinking has changed.

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:09 am
by The Annoyed Man
Good deal!

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:35 am
by TreyHouston
Great story! I think many people are afraid of "interfering" in police buisness. Perhaps a national message cops are people too and we need your help sometimes, that would probably get people off their butts!

Always a good day when you draw and DON'T have to fire!!!!!! :cool:

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:45 am
by parabelum
Great story and to echo others, I wish that this would get picked up by major outlets.

Thanks for sharing.

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 8:54 am
by ELB
I just googled "Wheeler DeBoard" (the names of the cop and the citizen), and I don't see any major MSM coverage.

Under "News" it appears on the Washington Times, BreitBart,, America's First Freedom, Independent Journal Review, and the Mount Vernon News (which is where the incident occurred).

Under "All" it appears in a few more newspapers, locals basically, plus some conservative and police blogs.

That's it.

Anyway, good job Mr. DeBoard.

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 9:06 am
by joe817
From the article:

"Indeed, it’s a duty of citizenship that DeBoard plainly wishes more Americans would embrace. As he puts it, “Every time you pick up the phone to call 911, the police, the fire department, the EMTs, they show up. The least you can do is have their back when they need it.”

Amen and Amen to that. :patriot:

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:00 am
by vjallen75
Abraham wrote:After reading this story and knowing I'd step in if witnessing such an event and could do something about it, my thinking has changed.
While our main objective is to keep our family and ourselves safe, I honestly believe we must help protect our neighbors as well. United we stand

Re: Good Guy with gun saves Ohio policeman

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:13 pm
by goose
An excellent story!