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White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:01 pm
by philip964

It appears it is more than Amy Schumer that is doing something for this event, whatever it is.

Guns are a right, but so is freedom of assembly, guns are supposedly stopping freedom of assembly or so says the President.

Oops missed it, it was today to wear orange. National gun violence awareness day.

We really should do something about those people who commit illegal violence with guns.

But I'm sure that is not what this is about. I'm sure it is about Gun Centralization.

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 9:18 pm
by TexasJohnBoy
We should pass laws that say it's illegal to kill others with any weapon. We should pass laws that say you can't take guns into gun free zones.

This will keep people from doing these things.

Yeah, that's it.

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 4:04 am
by crazy2medic
This for whatever reason really ticks me off, I really want to see the progun community highjack their protest

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 6:13 am
by Kenneth77
The absolute stupidity on the white house page is quite entering and this is why the USA is in the state of distress it's in . I just cant believe that their are people that drive , have kids , vote and make any kind of dissension have any kind of right to tell one group they cant do something then let a radical hate group have no guide lines to follow . This started my morning off kind of in a rut.

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:47 am
by TexasJohnBoy
crazy2medic wrote:This for whatever reason really ticks me off, I really want to see the progun community highjack their protest
Working on it ... 11&t=84434

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:57 am
by Daddio-on-patio
Is it me or Is this the first administration to politicize the White House in such a way? The rainbow lights after the Supreme Court ruling and now the superimposing of the orange background. Rhetorical, I know, but is there anything this administration looks at with nostalgia, sanctity, and reverence for the creation of this Nation? Turns my stomach!

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:11 am
by rentz
Daddio-on-patio wrote:Is it me or Is this the first administration to politicize the White House in such a way? The rainbow lights after the Supreme Court ruling and now the superimposing of the orange background. Rhetorical, I know, but is there anything this administration looks at with nostalgia, sanctity, and reverence for the creation of this Nation? Turns my stomach!
i dont recall previous administrations doing these things but I also don't think bush's administration had much of a virtual presence and prior to that social media really hadn't taken off like it has now.

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:19 am
by Abraham
...and you expect what else from Marxists?

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 9:33 am
by Daddio-on-patio
rentz wrote:
Daddio-on-patio wrote:Is it me or Is this the first administration to politicize the White House in such a way? The rainbow lights after the Supreme Court ruling and now the superimposing of the orange background. Rhetorical, I know, but is there anything this administration looks at with nostalgia, sanctity, and reverence for the creation of this Nation? Turns my stomach!
i dont recall previous administrations doing these things but I also don't think bush's administration had much of a virtual presence and prior to that social media really hadn't taken off like it has now.
I agree with the virtual presence. However, I have read so many things from past presidents of both parties and how they respected the White House as the "peoples house", not their particular parties house. The vast majority appear to respect the White House as a representation of the USA and not a political tool, until now it seems. It will be interesting to hear Obama's post-presidential view of the office which he held and contrast that with other presidents. (Teeth champing on what I would really like to say :grumble )

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 10:44 am
by LucasMcCain
Abraham wrote:...and you expect what else from Marxists?

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 11:56 am
by Middle Age Russ
Full-on Statism requires a monopoly of force -- something its adherents know well. Symbolic gestures are sometimes every bit as nefarious as you can imagine. The current administration hasn't yet failed to insert their agenda perspective and talking points into every opportunity presented or manufactured.

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Sat Jun 04, 2016 7:09 pm
by FloridaViaMissouri
Miami Dade County Police Department on their twitter page changed their profile image to tinted orange with the Mom's Demand logo on it. Figures for an anti gun city.

Re: White House changes its Facebook photo to have a background of Orange

Posted: Sun Jun 05, 2016 10:28 pm
by TexasFlash
AndyC; :thumbs2: :lol:
Dave :txflag: