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Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:05 pm
by EastTexasRancher
We were at New Student Conference this week. The facilities manager spoke to the new law, and A&M's response. His overall response was positive, saying they were following State law.

One thing piqued my interest: LTC holders living in dorms must purchase or lease a specific gun safe from a specific seller. A quick google of the school's policy confirmed this.

While I understand that not all LTC's live in school housing, but for those that do, isn't this a bit scary that their information is now "out there", even if only a name and address? This, it seems, does in fact create a database that the university says on their site they won't do, i.e. track holders.

Just makes me wonder.

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:14 pm
by Jusme
EastTexasRancher wrote:We were at New Student Conference this week. The facilities manager spoke to the new law, and A&M's response. His overall response was positive, saying they were following State law.

One thing piqued my interest: LTC holders living in dorms must purchase or lease a specific gun safe from a specific seller. A quick google of the school's policy confirmed this.

While I understand that not all LTC's live in school housing, but for those that do, isn't this a bit scary that their information is now "out there", even if only a name and address? This, it seems, does in fact create a database that the university says on their site they won't do, i.e. track holders.

Just makes me wonder.

I agree, if they have limited the purchase or lease to one vendor, then it would create a database of sorts at least at the vendor level. But on the other hand, even if they allowed students to purchase or lease a safe from any vendor, then I'm sure there would have to be an approval process, to ensure it met the standards which in turn would provide a list of "safe buyers" My suggestion would be to provide gun safes, in all housing, I'm sure with bulk purchasing it could be affordable, and then everyone would be covered, and those who are not LTC holders could store other valuables. JMHO.

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:35 pm
by JustSomeOldGuy
Jusme wrote: My suggestion would be to provide gun safes, in all housing, I'm sure with bulk purchasing it could be affordable, and then everyone would be covered, and those who are not LTC holders could store other valuables. JMHO.
Being able to stash their SS card, passport, checkbook, etc. instead of having to either carry it on them or leave it essentially unsecured in the dorm room would benefit all of the dorm dwellers.....

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:00 pm
by Soccerdad1995
Do you have to order the safe online? If it is a local manufacturer, or it is sold through retailers, then you could always just pay cash.

Do students have to notify the University that they have a LTC, or is the specific safe the only requirement?

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:10 pm
by RoyGBiv
They can have it shipped to their parents house or a friends house.

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 3:59 pm
by E.Marquez
So it is the same safe they have hawked to residents in the past for securing thier valuables.
As it is available for purchase or rent for a variety of suggested needs, it is not solely being made available to LTC(which is what i thought at first) meaning renting or buying the safe from the department of residence life does not single out the renter as a LTC possessor. Unless the rental (purchase) agent requires you to state the reason for purchase(rental)

I would have preferred they set minimal requirements and listed several known products that meet the standards. I see no reason students should be forced to a single source vendor. Id guess it is not enforceable.. as the schools has already stated they will make no rule that bans outright..that they will follow state law.. While the rule to lock up the weapon in a safe is not unreasonable, require the purchase at a fixed price from a fixed vendor ot the schools choosing is not reasonable.

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 5:14 pm
by MechAg94
Do they give you something solid to secure it to with that cable or do you have to use furniture? I would be curious if they would have a group pass code that would open them. Trying to go to the main website it wants you to log in using your school code to see the product.

So if you find the same product elsewhere and bring it with you, are they going to prevent you from using it?

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:06 pm
While I understand the need for rules, I wholeheartedly disagree with being told what vendor, or product, I must use. A set of specific requirements that must be met would suffice. Something fishy going on - maybe the school has stake in the safe company or get a kickback.

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:10 pm
by E.Marquez ... -safe.html
Made by the MESA Safe Company
MESA Safe company.jpg
And it appears to have a cable to wrap around a piece of furniture.

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 6:11 pm
by E.Marquez ... rview.html
They make hotel safes.. I knew it looked familiar. I have stored stuff in them dozens of times while traveling and the cruise ship I was on a few months ago had one of these in each cabin.
There is a pass code for the hotel ones which is the same style, brand, model as the ones Texas A&M is requirening be used. SO your stored gun is only as safe as whoever TAM entrusted with the override card
Override Functions
Allows you to access the safe using an Override Card or the Override Key

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 7:45 am
by TangoX-ray
E.Marquez wrote: ... rview.html
They make hotel safes.. I knew it looked familiar. I have stored stuff in them dozens of times while traveling and the cruise ship I was on a few months ago had one of these in each cabin.
There is a pass code for the hotel ones which is the same style, brand, model as the ones Texas A&M is requirening be used. SO your stored gun is only as safe as whoever TAM entrusted with the override card
Override Functions
Allows you to access the safe using an Override Card or the Override Key
Now that would be a deal breaker in my mind. Firearms should be secured by the holder and the holder only (a la using non-TSA locks).

Re: Texas A&M dorm room safe requirement

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2016 8:19 am
by E.Marquez
TangoX-ray wrote:
E.Marquez wrote: ... rview.html
They make hotel safes.. I knew it looked familiar. I have stored stuff in them dozens of times while traveling and the cruise ship I was on a few months ago had one of these in each cabin.
There is a pass code for the hotel ones which is the same style, brand, model as the ones Texas A&M is requirening be used. SO your stored gun is only as safe as whoever TAM entrusted with the override card
Override Functions
Allows you to access the safe using an Override Card or the Override Key
Now that would be a deal breaker in my mind. Firearms should be secured by the holder and the holder only (a la using non-TSA locks).
I agree, if I had a kid going there right now, I'd make this a HUGE issue with my representatives..

Id bet is thought of as no different than security or housing having a passkey to the door lock.. "Its for your safety in the event of an emergency or incase of an unintentionally lock out"

If guns are so at risk, so unsafe that they need to be secured in a SAFE... how can we possible allow other then the gun owner to have access. :totap: