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University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns on c

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 7:59 pm
by dhoobler

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:06 pm
by DevilDawg
Bye Felica

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:08 pm
by atx2a
Don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya, pal. Enjoy PA.


Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:21 pm
by chasfm11
The good professor may be jumping from the frying pan to the fire. The U of P is in Philadelphia and the concealed carry rates there are higher than in Texas. 10% of the population of Lancaster county has licenses. Plus, I worked in the U of P computing center (Unicol) and the area surrounding it is pretty rough. Wouldn't it be ironic if he had to get a PA CC permit to stay alive. :biggrinjester: Austin is going to look like a cake walk by comparison.

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 8:56 pm
by WildBill
Fenves has said allowing guns on campus will make it harder to recruit and retain top faculty and students.
Steiner’s departure would be the most immediate high-profile result of that prediction.
I don't believe it. But for Steiner, adios! :tiphat:

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:09 pm
Maybe some of these academics are dumber than they look.

It seems irrational to me.

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:15 pm
by SewTexas
bye, see ya....

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:15 pm
by NotRPB

Time to hire some mentally stable people capable of rational thought processes and an idea of Logic and Statistics instead of illogical irrational phobias.
\ :woohoo :anamatedbanana
chasfm11 wrote:The good professor may be jumping from the frying pan to the fire. The U of P is in Philadelphia and the concealed carry rates there are higher than in Texas. 10% of the population of Lancaster county has licenses. Plus, I worked in the U of P computing center (Unicol) and the area surrounding it is pretty rough. Wouldn't it be ironic if he had to get a PA CC permit to stay alive. :biggrinjester: Austin is going to look like a cake walk by comparison.
Facts confuse them

Some Pa. colleges allow students to carry guns ... s/2152625/
KUTZTOWN, Pa. (AP) — Students on some of Pennsylvania's college campuses might be carrying more than books.

At least five Pennsylvania state-owned universities are now allowing guns on campus after the state's lawyers concluded that an outright ban on weapons was likely unconstitutional.
Laws Concerning Carrying Concealed Firearms on Campus in Pennsylvania
Because of changes in Pennsylvania’s concealed weapons law in 2012, one of the two major public Higher Education Systems became concerned that they might not be able to constitutionally prohibit concealed weapons permittees from carrying guns on campus.

2) The Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education (PSSHE) oversees the other 14 state colleges.

In 2012, PASSHE’s Chairman, Guido Pichini, stated the following:

“PASSHE universities have the ability to prohibit weapons, including legally registered firearms, in academic buildings, student residence halls, dining facilities, student union buildings, athletic facilities and recreation centers or while attending a sporting, entertainment or educational event on university property or sponsored by the university. However, PASSHE’s policies also must be consistent with Pennsylvania law, which allows individuals who are properly permitted to carry a firearm ‘on or about one’s person or in a vehicle throughout the Commonwealth.’

As a result, we have confirmed that at least six PASSHE’s schools have now changed their policies to allow concealed carry permittees the ability to carry weapons on certain parts of their campuses

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:25 pm
by dhoobler
I think that using campus carry as his reason is a ruse. He was from Pennsylvania. He was going back to his roots. He was probably going anyway.

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:29 pm
by Oldgringo
Money1 Is he taking a pay cut to salve his conscience or what?

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:32 pm
by krieghoff
Maybe the gate has opened and others will follow!! :txflag:

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:35 pm
by SewTexas
dhoobler wrote:I think that using campus carry as his reason is a ruse. He was from Pennsylvania. He was going back to his roots. He was probably going anyway.

my husband just said the same thing as I was reading to him....the prof was trying to "make a point"

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 9:36 pm
by WildBill
JALLEN wrote:Maybe some of these academics are dumber than they look.

It seems irrational to me.
Students for Concealed Carry issued a statement Thursday that didn’t address Steiner’s departure,
but criticized educators “overwhelmed by unjustified fear.”

“Intellectually, these professors are no different than someone whose actions are defined by an
irrational fear of sharks, witchcraft, or vaccines,” the student group said.
:shock: ... -1.2544150

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:16 pm
by Beiruty
We wish the Kali residenrs transplanted in Austin would go. Back home too.

Re: University of Texas dean quits school for job in Pennsylvania because of Lone Star state’s new policy allowing guns

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2016 10:19 pm
by LabRat
"I thought I would be responsible for enforcing a law I don’t believe in,” Steiner said.

I thought he was the dean of the School of Architecture?? Now he thinks he has to enforce laws?? This person is somewhat messed up.
Well, alls I can say is....Buh-bye.
