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Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:14 am
by parabelum
This treasonous traitor who is always on the other side of sanity has been hanging out with the hardest proliferator of drugs and murder not only south of border, but in our own Country.

Our children, countless farmers and their property, our Border Agents, Police Officers and our economy have been targets of this fine gentleman scum bag, Sean Penn's buddy.

You see, while people were put at risk and many lost their lives, while this scum was threatening Trump and our ways of life, while LE were looking for him across international lines, Sean boy was very much so aware of his whereabouts. Treasonous traitor, a lowlife criminal. ... l?referer=

This country gave so much to this Sean Penn character, and this piece of gun hating, Christian hating, conservative hating garbage had the audacity to meet with drug boss and lecture us about guns and "gun violence".

I wonder if he had enough (mods, I'll be carefull here) guts (wanted to say something else) to confront "El Chapo" about HIS gun violence, mass graves , mayhem and destruction.
They are always so bold and brave going after peaceful law abiding citizens, but so eager to embrace terrorists, psychotics, deviants..

Stupid moron hypocrite.

Sane nation would be throwing this bum into slammer for a very long time pronto.

And this shameless media, notice how everything is upside down? How they glorify murderers but vilify law abiding citizens excercising their 2A rights.

This goes on (among many other fine things) in our world while we fight eachother on this sign, that sign, OC/CC etc.



Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:45 am
by PBR
Another article I read stated Penn and Rolling Stone Mag was in on it to help capture him again. They agreed to the meeting so they could find out his location. So they meet with him to talk about a movie of his life so they could confirm his whereabouts then sometime after the meeting they raided the area and captured him again. If that article was true I would say it's pretty gutsy of Penn and Rolling Stone cause I'm sure they will have some bounty on them now but again what is the true story.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:29 am
by Bitter Clinger
Sean Penn is noted for his hatred of this country, a country that has provided him with incredible success and fortune. In this regard, he shares the same values (or lack thereof) as Barack Hussein Obama and El Chapo Guzman. Penn has consorted with many of the world's worst individuals, all haters of America and our values and so he was at very little risk - at least from Guzman - in this venture. Both Penn and Guzman blame the US for the drug problem - again, just like Obama, always blame someone other than yourself.

Penn's risk was discovery by law enforcement. I hope that when the dust settles we find that Penn left an electronic footprint that the US and Mexico used to lead us right to Guzman's hideout. :patriot:

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 9:44 am
by Distinguished Rick
I am by no means a Sean Penn fan. I think he belongs in jail for his treasoness behavior.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:08 am
by Richbirdhunter
Didn't Sean Penns brother die of an overdose? You think that would make him a little standoffish of drug dealers in general

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:26 am
by winters
Maybe I don't know what the big deal is since I don't know who Sean Penn is but. How is him being successful have anything to with anything? If he is like any other celebrity then his success is only because he is obviously good at what he does.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:32 am
by Bitter Clinger
winters wrote:Maybe I don't know what the big deal is since I don't know who Sean Penn is but. How is him being successful have anything to with anything? If he is like any other celebrity then his success is only because he is obviously good at what he does.
How about Hugo Chavez? Recognize that name? He was Sean's last BFF.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:56 am
by PBR
winters wrote:Maybe I don't know what the big deal is since I don't know who Sean Penn is but. How is him being successful have anything to with anything? If he is like any other celebrity then his success is only because he is obviously good at what he does.
I know who he is but have no idea on him personally or his stances / views on anything.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:02 pm
by Solaris
NSA must have been ROFL when those calls were made.

Guess Chapo never read "KiIlling Pablo".

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 1:29 pm
by Abraham
SP is a colossally arrogant, America hating, hard core leftist, who loves commie dictators like chavez and castro.

That about covers it.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:24 pm
by baldeagle
I saw on the news that the Mexicans were able to find Guzman because of a meeting setup to discuss a movie. So it may well be that Penn inadvertently led to Guzman's arrest. I doubt seriously that he intended to do that, and I suspect that if he had thought that might happen, he would have called it off.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 2:30 pm
by Abraham
He is one of the few leftist actors I deliberately avoid watching.

He comes across in anything he acts in as arrogant, though I didn't watch his Harvey Milk movie, so maybe, as a gay guy he didn't act so overbearing.

I'll never know.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:44 pm
by Dave2
baldeagle wrote:I saw on the news that the Mexicans were able to find Guzman because of a meeting setup to discuss a movie. So it may well be that Penn inadvertently led to Guzman's arrest. I doubt seriously that he intended to do that, and I suspect that if he had thought that might happen, he would have called it off.
I'd be denying it left & right, if I were him. Wouldn't want to upset the cartels like that if I didn't believe in being able to defend myself. For that matter, I wouldn't draw that kind attention to myself even if I had three groups of SEALs protecting me and lived in an island fortress. Some things are just better left out of public knowledge.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:48 pm
by Pawpaw
I think Sean Penn is a Hanoi Jane wannabe.

Re: Sean Penn Sat for Secret Interview with El Chapo

Posted: Sun Jan 10, 2016 5:54 pm
by GlassG19
Distinguished Rick wrote:I am by no means a Sean Penn fan. I think he belongs in jail for his treasoness behavior.
