California Starts No Notice Gun Confiscation On January 1
Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 1:04 pm ... january-1/
How does this work? A “friend” or “family member” (read that as angry neighbor or deranged and embittered ex) notifies the cops. The cops then ask a judge for a 21-day “temporary restraining order.” This is important. The people who make the allegation never have to appear in court. They only need to convince the police to go to a judge who is, no way possible, going to refuse the restraining order. At the end of that time, the restraining order can be extended for a year after a hearing. That one year can be repeated indefinitely. Can you give your weapons to a friend or family member for safe keeping? No. The police must hold the weapons for the duration of the restraining order. Oh, yeah, they serve you with a search warrant at the same time so they can “look for firearms.”
How will you find out? When a SWAT team shows up at your door to take your weapons and cart you off for a mental health evaluation.