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Ten Year Decline in Federal Weapons Convictions

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 12:57 pm
by VMI77

Re: Ten Year Decline in Federal Weapons Convictions

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:01 pm
by DevilDawg
The laughable yet sad truth? They quit trying to enforce them for intents and purposes. Potentially in an effort to make things look worse to push the all new anti-gun agenda?

Why else would the mouthpiece(press) for the establishment ignore Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Houston and other high crime cesspools? If they enforced the laws on the books they couldn't get away with the lies the vundables eat.

Re: Ten Year Decline in Federal Weapons Convictions

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:05 pm
by VMI77
DevilDawg wrote:The laughable yet sad truth? They quit trying to enforce them for intents and purposes. Potentially in an effort to make things look worse to push the all new anti-gun agenda?

Why else would the mouthpiece(press) for the establishment ignore Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, Houston and other high crime cesspools? If they enforced the laws on the books they couldn't get away with the lies the vundables eat.
That's part of it, but the left also loves criminals and hates to see them punished.