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Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:19 am
by dhoobler
Concealed handguns could be allowed on most of the University of Texas at Arlington campus — including dorms, classrooms and faculty offices — as soon as next fall

Read more here: ... rylink=cpy

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:31 am
by doncb
I heard about that yesterday. Finally, some reasonable people.

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 9:33 am
by Richbirdhunter
So when my daughter plays club soccer at UTD on the weekends I will be able to carry next year?

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:50 pm
by ELB
The draft plan for UT Arlington provided at the link proposes banning concealed carry at a day care on UT property with the following justification:
The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services prohibits the possession of firearms at licensed child care centers and at facilities with before- or after-school care.
Is there a little slight-of-hand going on here? As I understand it, licensed concealed carry is NOT prohibited at day cares generally. I suppose TDFPS might have a regulation against firearms possession by people without a license, but IIRC a day care is not a prohibited place for CHL/LTC carriers.

Overall this is a much better effort than UT Austin, tho.

Is someone already making up a comparison of the different state school regulations? That might be useful in the next legislature.

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:36 pm
by doncb
This is from an article in today's Star Telegram.
“I am not fearful of my students,” said Allan Saxe, an associate professor of political science at UTA. “I am of the opinion that potential crazed ‘shooters’ will think twice knowing there are likely those around them with guns. Our society must learn to be civilized, and until then I believe that carrying guns with proper licensing should be permissible,” he said. “I will not be ‘packing heat’ but [will] rely on my students to do so responsibly and protect me.”
I had to read that twice. Thought I was hallucinating or something. Two thumbs up Mr. Saxe! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:19 pm
by RHenriksen
doncb wrote:This is from an article in today's Star Telegram.
“I am not fearful of my students,” said Allan Saxe, an associate professor of political science at UTA. “I am of the opinion that potential crazed ‘shooters’ will think twice knowing there are likely those around them with guns. Our society must learn to be civilized, and until then I believe that carrying guns with proper licensing should be permissible,” he said. “I will not be ‘packing heat’ but [will] rely on my students to do so responsibly and protect me.”
I had to read that twice. Thought I was hallucinating or something. Two thumbs up Mr. Saxe! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
Wow! Good for him :clapping:

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 1:08 pm
by MeMelYup
RHenriksen wrote:
doncb wrote:This is from an article in today's Star Telegram.
“I am not fearful of my students,” said Allan Saxe, an associate professor of political science at UTA. “I am of the opinion that potential crazed ‘shooters’ will think twice knowing there are likely those around them with guns. Our society must learn to be civilized, and until then I believe that carrying guns with proper licensing should be permissible,” he said. “I will not be ‘packing heat’ but [will] rely on my students to do so responsibly and protect me.”
I had to read that twice. Thought I was hallucinating or something. Two thumbs up Mr. Saxe! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
Wow! Good for him :clapping:
Mr Saxe said “I will not be ‘packing heat’ but [will] rely on my students to do so responsibly and protect me.”

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 2:07 pm
by Abraham
Allan Saxe needs to learn how to protect himself.

What kind of girly man admits he wants students/kids to protect him? Has he no sense of embarrassment?

While I'm glad he's not an out and out anti-gun type, he sounds wimpy, wimpy, wimpy...

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 3:07 pm
by ELB
Yeah Saxe ought to carry himself, but I'll settle for him supporting the students' 2A rights, instead of curling up in the fetal position because of campus carry.

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 3:27 pm
by Abraham

Yeah, but I get a whiff of: I'll not protest guns, but I'll never dirty my hands with them either.

He should turn in his man card and call himself Chelsea...

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2015 11:17 pm
by E10
doncb wrote:This is from an article in today's Star Telegram.
“I am not fearful of my students,” said Allan Saxe, ... ”
I had to read that twice. Thought I was hallucinating or something. Two thumbs up Mr. Saxe! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
No, Allan Saxe was one of the good guys when I was there 40 years ago. Everybody wanted to take his history classes. Good to know he's still around.

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 12:10 am
by Oldgringo
E10 wrote:
doncb wrote:This is from an article in today's Star Telegram.
“I am not fearful of my students,” said Allan Saxe, ... ”
I had to read that twice. Thought I was hallucinating or something. Two thumbs up Mr. Saxe! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
No, Allan Saxe was one of the good guys when I was there 40 years ago. Everybody wanted to take his history classes. Good to know he's still around.
Forty years ago, eh?

Rackin' the slide may be somewhat difficult for that gentleman. There will come a time we all need, "....a little help from our friends...". Let's get his back.

Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:17 pm
by Charles L. Cotton
Come on guys!! Allan Saxe is not only supporting campus carry by saying LTCs won't pose a threat, he is saying their presence in class promotes public safety.


Re: Few ‘gun-free’ zones proposed for University of Texas at Arlington

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 2:29 pm
by oljames3
RHenriksen wrote:
doncb wrote:This is from an article in today's Star Telegram.
“I am not fearful of my students,” said Allan Saxe, an associate professor of political science at UTA. “I am of the opinion that potential crazed ‘shooters’ will think twice knowing there are likely those around them with guns. Our society must learn to be civilized, and until then I believe that carrying guns with proper licensing should be permissible,” he said. “I will not be ‘packing heat’ but [will] rely on my students to do so responsibly and protect me.”
I had to read that twice. Thought I was hallucinating or something. Two thumbs up Mr. Saxe! :thumbs2: :thumbs2:
Wow! Good for him :clapping:
:iagree: :txflag: