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"Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:15 pm
by Texsquatch
After reading this, I have a funny feeling some folks will say if they're unsafe for law enforcement, then the public shouldn't have them either. Wait, this is California, I think it's been said already. ... index.html

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:39 pm
by ScottDLS
Striker fired pistols are inherently unsafe......nyaahh...nyaahh...nyaahh. :biggrinjester:

Single action .45 long Colt sixgun should be the only pistol you ever need!!! "rlol" Carried with hammer down on an empty chamber, of course. :shock:

ScottDLS<---------Preparing for the inevitable flame war

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:50 pm
by baldeagle
I wish you hadn't shared that. I now have another concussion from banging my head on the table.

Clearly the LASD deputies are not being properly trained on firearm safety, but couldn't they find ONE person in all of LA who could figure that out without having to a "study"? :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:54 pm
by ELB
CNN falsifies. (Surprise.)

The headline blames "the gun". But the quotes from the IG report clearly fault the training and habits of the deputies.

This was an interesting observation:
--And a light mounted to the gun and activated by deputies squeezing a pressure switch on the handle has led to confusion in some incidents, with "a significant number of deputies reporting that they unintentionally pulled the trigger of their weapon when they intended only to turn on the light."
We have a thread about that somewhere around here..

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:40 pm
by casp625
I was actually considering getting an M&P9... I really like the Shield and figured it would be a flawless transition into a larger frame. Of course, I have no thumb safety and a round is chambered 24/7 with no accidental/negligent discharges :tiphat:

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:12 am
by Smokey
I heard somewhere keeping your finger off the trigger is highly correlated with bullets not coming out.

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:45 am
by NotRPB
I recall o short period of time, Good ole' Lee P. Brown, from California, Houston, >>was New York's chief, I heard that forbid anything in NYPD but Revolvers for the Dept, ...but himself, he carried a Glock (1990 – 1992 before being appointed by President Bill Clinton as "drug Czar")

Same Democrat-Minded mind-set as people with armed guards pushing gun control for the masses...(Good for me but not for you)

By that mindset ...
Now if you ALLOW a freedom, obviously needs to be REGULATED
"New York requires the infamous New York trigger"

AS in the article cited above
The department went to the new gun, in part, because it is easier to handle and easier to shoot accurately, particularly for people with small hands. The gun comes with a smaller grip and the new Smith & Wesson M&P 9mm requires significantly less pressure to pull the trigger than the Beretta 9mm that had been standard issue in the sheriff's department for years.

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:40 am
by VMI77
Assuming the "handle" is the grip....I have several CT laser grips activated by a switch on the grip....and I don't have any problem activating the laser and keeping my finger off the trigger. Seems to me the problem isn't the gun or the light but officers who can't keep their fingers off their triggers.

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:53 am
by Pariah3j
per the article from OP
"We conclude that the current training program is insufficient to overcome old habits learned on other handguns,"
So even the article with a headline blaming the gun, quotes the problem is officer failure to train/adapt... :banghead:

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:12 am
by winters
I think its funny how they blame it not having an external safety as an issue. Lots of police carry glocks and the whole safety on the trigger thing is a bunch of bull. I don't see a lot of accidental firings with glocks; but they could have heavier trigger pulls.

Ofcourse people has some hair brained idea police are trained to use firearms better then anyone else. Most officers qualify once a year and never fire their gun any other time.

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:31 am
by twomillenium
casp625 wrote:I was actually considering getting an M&P9... I really like the Shield and figured it would be a flawless transition into a larger frame. Of course, I have no thumb safety and a round is chambered 24/7 with no accidental/negligent discharges :tiphat:
Multiply that by 6100 and see what you have. Oh wait, I bet you know how to properly and safely handle a pistol. Never mind my first statement. :oops:

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:33 am
by twomillenium
Pariah3j wrote:per the article from OP
"We conclude that the current training program is insufficient to overcome old habits learned on other handguns,"
So even the article with a headline blaming the gun, quotes the problem is officer failure to train/adapt... :banghead:
Sounds like the old habits from the old training were insufficient as well.

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 11:58 am
by The Annoyed Man
This is a sign of the times. One of my oldest and most cherished shooting buddies was a retired LASD deputy, and there wasn't anything he didn't know about guns and shooting. He grew up in Pennsylvania as a boy and had to put venison on the table with a .22 to help feed the family.

I rather suspect that deputies in today's department are far less knowledgeable.

Re: "Unsafe" police issue pistols

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2015 12:24 pm
Pariah3j wrote:per the article from OP
"We conclude that the current training program is insufficient to overcome old habits learned on other handguns,"
So even the article with a headline blaming the gun, quotes the problem is officer failure to train/adapt... :banghead:
Exactly. What he really said was that their training program was in sufficient in creating safe gun handling skills.