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The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our guns
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:07 pm
by VMI77 ... n#comments
The left's totalitarian mindset is on display here. Even if not many of those voting in the poll following the article have the stomach for it you can bet their "leaders" do.
The lead in:
Let's get serious about what it will take, for "meaningful steps" to actually BE, meaningful steps.
Otherwise, let's skip to the chase and admit: "It's all just window-dressing, and political payback to the NRA."
What has to go?
All magazine fed, self-loading firearms.
Yes, that means handguns too.
Yes, that includes your 4 shot Remington hunting rifle.
Yes, that includes rigid controls on police firearms.
Your 5 shot revolver can go home with you officer, your 17 shot handgun stays inside the armory of the police station. Armory, not your locker. Signed-in, signed-out, via proximity card reader, with real-time computer controls at the State and Federal levels.
Did you, officer, have a domestic violence incident at home?
Go door-to-door with your list of gun purchasers, and get access to the guns. A massive VIPR-like sweep.
No gun? Where is it?
Who has it? Where's the paperwork? No gun, no paperwork?
You're coming with us... the weather in Cuba is fine.
Sadly, it appears the nationwide cell phone network is down, unless you're using a government contract cell phone.
Yes, surprise is key.
A 1 year Amnesty is offered. If we have to come for it?
It will be with lethal force. Suicide-by-Cop.
It's a price, it's paid once.
If they could just kill all the people who disagree with them utopia would be at hand.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:11 pm
by SC1903A3
All hail Fascism.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:15 pm
by Beiruty
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:17 pm
by Rmartinez37
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:22 pm
by K.Mooneyham
One little problem for these gun-grabbing statists (among a few others): "Stalin does not have enough Organs". I've read that there are about 100 thousand armed Federal agents, doing various and sundry tasks. There are about 100 million firearms owners in the USA. If every armed agent were used to "round up guns", and even 10% of firearms owners refused to give them up, that's 100 irate firearms owners for every armed agent. Not very good paraphrase Solzhenitsyn, "Stalin" would quickly run out of "Organs". And local police have shown little enthusiasm for enforcing extended firearms laws, witness the attitude of the Upstate New York sheriffs after the laughably called "SAFE Act" was passed there. The banners can want all they want, but the reality is that they just aren't going to get it, not for the foreseeable future, anyway.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:29 pm
by Middle Age Russ
Sadly, a republican form of government based on timeless human rights principles is imperiled by democracy where voters are ill-informed and ill-educated. These voters know neither what they have nor what will be lost if their desires come to fruition. The progressive element chuckles as the US electorate destroys the country. When Government has a monopoly of force over the People, the People are subjects rather than citizens -- subject entirely to the whims of those in power.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:45 pm
by LabRat
Also, what the left-wingers and the collaborators of the gun-grabbers in the government forget:
The collaborator is simply the last victim of the tyrant. As go the rights for some, so go the rights for all (eventually).
It's only when the collaborator is being dragged to Cuba (for some fine weather) do they realize the error of their ways.
They will enter that same prison, with the stupefying, wide-eyed look of disbelief.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:47 pm
by doncb
The guy's a nut case. No mater how much he fantasizes, his scenario would never work. He depends on every single police, military, etc. to cooperate. Would never happen. He probably lives with his mother and sits in his room and fantasizes while playing his video games.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:38 pm
by MeMelYup
The writer of this article is saying to scan all 4473's and upload them to a computer and all the e-4473's to the same computer.
You now have a database which is currently against federal law.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:51 pm
by chevy383surfing
Wouldn't this activity be an actual declaration of war against the American people?
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:55 pm
by The Annoyed Man
I just received another 1,000 rounds each of 9mm and SS109, and I have another 500 of .45 ACP inbound.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:56 pm
by anygunanywhere
Bring it. The tyrants are cowards. They want someone else to do their dirty work.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:06 pm
by Bitter Clinger
doncb wrote:The guy's a nut case. No mater how much he fantasizes, his scenario would never work. He depends on every single police, military, etc. to cooperate. Would never happen. He probably lives with his mother and sits in his room and fantasizes while playing his video games.
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:42 pm
by Abraham
The smirking, know it all "Beta Male" wearing his "onesie" while he warms his soft, girlish hands on the coffee cup and home Mom and Dad provide.
He's disgusted by icky things like dirt, hard physical labor, girls, guns, and the idea of providing for himself sends him into a catatonic like panic attack!
Re: The left has taken the mask off...they now are openly saying they want to kick in our doors and kill us to take our
Posted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:53 pm
by ELB
The left's stereotype of the right as racist, violent, selfish, Koch-funded thugs is simply projection. Since their ultimate ideology is totalitarian and justifies any tactic, they cannot imagine that their opponents (or enemies, as Grandma Cankles says) are any different than they are.
The mask slips more and more often these days (e.g. the recently resigned ACLU chapter official in Colorado). I don't know whether that is a sign that they are losing their grip and know it, or they think they are close enough to having enough power to shed the façade. I guess those are not completely irreconcilable explanations.